10 Minute Abundance Guided Meditation With Biko Gray


Hey guys!

Happy Monday! It is time for the third installment of the Guided Meditation series. This week’s focus is on Abundance. 

Join Biko as he guides us through a 10-minute set of breathing exercises and affirmations specially designed to assist with training your mind to extend a warm welcome to the abundance of all things beautiful into your life.

A few years ago, I came across a quote that’s stayed with me after all this time. “If you fill your head with good thoughts, there won’t be any room for bad thoughts.”

As obvious as this may sound, it’s the simple truth, and it also requires intentionality. Being positive takes work and discipline and faith.

Philippians 4:8 says:

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.


I spent the greater part of last year meditating with a guided meditation on abundance, and case by case, there’s no doubt in my mind that that time I took to zone in and focus on what I wanted an abundance of made a huge difference in terms of how I viewed my circumstances and the world around me.

If nothing else, I want to leave you guys with this thought, the goal should be obtaining the feeling of abundance prior to any manifestation of abundance. Abundance in the way that we are defining it should not be confused with worldly possessions and desires. Simply the overflowing of all that is good. We can find the feeling of abundance in nature, time with family and friends, from the love of God, and helping others. These are the things that really matter.  The other things will come, but the blessing lies in true gratitude for what we already have all around us.

Meditation below. Enjoy!

Peace, Love, & Sunshine,

Xoxo -Chels



The Grind

Downtown Houston Skyline Chelsea Coffey The Coffey Break

Hey guys,

Good  mornin’, ya know, I don’t always have the words to articulate what I’m feeling or going through, and in times when I’m feeling that way, I find myself so thankful for the internet.

Yesterday a friend shared and article from GQ, and Sarah Paulson’s interview was such a thoughtful reflection on the beauty of discovering and appreciating the path that is uniquely yours. Below you’ll find a snippet from the interview. Hope you enjoy! Don’t forget to subscribe. Tell a friend, show a friend, pay it forward 🙂

Peace, Love, & Sunshine ~Chelsea

Start Out Disappointed If at All Possible

If my career had turned out like the fantasy I had of what it was going to be, it would never have made me happy. But I couldn’t have known that until it didn’t happen. I found a success that is so much bigger and deeper and better, and it’s because it happened later. If any of what I’m having happen now—the successes—would have happened to me when I was younger, I would have been ruined. Because when you’re young, and things come super easily to you, and you have success right out of the gate, you’re liable to think that’s how it actually works. You start to think you don’t need to be fully prepared or committed to have these things meet you.

Don’t Keep Calm, But Carry On

I muscled a lot of what I’ve achieved by sheer force of will and relentless determination. And I wasn’t hearing a lot of “Everything’s going to be fine. You’re going to have everything you want.” I would get one job, and then I wouldn’t work again for two years. Or I would get one great job, and it would very quickly become a nothing thing… Read the rest of her interview here.

let’s connect!

ig/twitter: @thecoffeybreak



Coffey Break Chat: How to find the work you were meant to do


Mini Melty’s are always a good kick in the butt. Thank God for those emails Marie Forleo sends all the time. I searched her name and scrolled and scrolled until I found the subject line I needed to see –How to find the work you were meant to do.

God has this beautiful way of giving us what we need when we need it most and revealing it just in the nick of time.

Join me for this week’s Coffey Break Chat as I share where I’m at with my own journey to discovering what I’m meant to do and personal reflection on hanging in there!

Hope this will be a blessing to you guys. Praying for any and everyone out there who can relate.

Peace, Love & Sunshine, Chelsea

Let’s connect!
Twitter/Instagram @thecoffeybreak


Sunday Share: Growing Up With Miss Jamaica


Diversity Colorism The Coffey Break

Hey guys,

Happy Sunday! Elle Magazine never seems to disappoint, and short of slipping into a rabbit hole, I wanted to share a great read that dropped into my inbox this afternoon.

Anyone who knows me knows how passionate I am about colorism, and more importantly, its crippling affects on so many cultures and ethnic groups. Just in case:

Colorism, noun: discrimination against a person of color due to the european standard of beauty (e.g., light skin, thin lips, loosely coiled hair). this condition is most frequently present between those of the same race.

How awesome would it be if we could simply embrace the beauty of our differences and teach our kids to love themselves just as they are from the beginning? This is a huge mission of mine as it relates to the work we do with Mia’s Closet. There’s not substitute for the empowerment that comes with feeling good about yourself. Link to the original article below:

Growing Up With Miss Jamaica

​It took me years to undo the sense that lighter skin was more beautiful.

In an effort to keep from assuming that this topic is common knowledge, I’ve added a couple of doll test videos to further convey the importance of spreading the word about this topic. So much love to everyone who’s contributing to the conversation of raising awareness about this issue.

Peace, Love & Sunshine ~Chels

Kiri Davis: A Girl Like Me. [black doll / white doll experiment …

Doll Test – YouTube

Let’s Connect! IG + Twitter: @thecoffeybreak

Sometimes Things Fall Apart… A Year In Review

A year ago today, my life changed forever. I went on a trip to New York, for Fashion Week with two of my closest friends, and by the end of it, I knew I was in trouble. I’ve said it before, and I’ll probably say it a million more times: that city is magic to me. We were there just long enough for me to catch my breath and reevaluate, everything.


At the time, I was working for a creative staffing agency as an account executive. This was going to be my big transition from grad school, and second attempt at Corporate America, only this go-round, I would be in the creative industry, so I just knew I’d be fine. I graduated from Grad School in December of 2013, and started working at the company just a couple of months after -the same week as my 27th birthday actually. I was pumped. Salary, benefits, opportunity to make a commission, the whole nine… Instead, it drained the very life out of me. Literally.

My commute was an hour at minimum. The walk from the parking garage to the office was another 15 minutes. We had a meeting that started every day at 8:30am on-the-dot. I’m pleasant in the morning, but I’m a full-blown night owl. My brain doesn’t even kick in until 10am. Don’t ask me why. It’s just my wiring haha For the next 3hrs we had “Power Hour” where we would be on the phone reaching out to ad agencies, corporations, small business and so on developing new business. Power hour ends. We break for lunch at 12pm for an hour -a real hour, not a minute over- and back to the phones unless we had client visits…

Day in, day out this was my life. I hate monotony, with a passion, and that had become my story. My nonprofit, Mia’s Closet, suffered, more than I could have ever anticipated, and it was heartbreaking. I’m not a crier, and I cried a lot that year.

I very quickly realized that I had been sold a dream, and that I was partially responsible. I got that job in an effort to impress my parents. Plain and simple. As much as I like to think I’m a free spirit, I have to be very intentional about not subscribing to traditional means of success, and that’s the thing about understanding your purpose. When you feel you’re moving in the direction that God is calling you to, the opinion’s of other’s mean less and less.

My first day back to work from New York, I requested a meeting  with my boss as soon as power hour ended. There we were in that small conference room. I had it all figured out in my mind. I was going to sit down, look her in the face, thank her for everything she’s done, tell her I just couldn’t do it anymore, and politely resign.

Well, somewhere along the way, I started to feel bad, really bad. She had stood up for me, cheered me on, and I felt awful for still wanting to leave after all that. It started to feel just like a break up… and then she asked me if I thought this is where I was supposed to be –I burst into tears and choked out a no.

See, leaving this job was more than just leaving a job. I’m a planner, futurist, and there were so many factors tied into this move being a successful one, and the fact that despite all that, I still couldn’t shake the gut feeling that it just wasn’t working scared me. This was going to be my bridge into being a career woman, buying a house, traveling, saving up to move to a new city, and so on…

My mom, said something to me one day while I was on the phone with her having a full on melty on the way to work that I’ll never forget. She said, “Chelsea, at the end of the day, you’re the one who has to live this life, no one else. Life is too short to lead one that makes you miserable.”

More or less that’s the summary of 2014. It was a rebuilding year, and the crazy thing about rebuilding it that you don’t get there without things falling apart.

I’ve spent the last year breaking apart every area of my life asking God to clarify my purpose in all areas. My work, me personally, my calling, spirituality, family roles, all of it. The last year hasn’t been perfect, but I can actually see the progress, and I wouldn’t sacrifice this lifestyle again for anything, even if that means saying no to opportunities I would have jumped at two years ago.

As I sit here on the rooftop having breakfast up here for the first time, I can’t help but think of the following quote: Build your career around your lifestyle, not the other way around. That’s the goal.

I’m praying for any of you guys who want to make the leap, and just haven’t quite figured out how. All things work together for the good of those who have been called according to His purpose.

Just wait and see 😉

Peace, Love & Sunshine ~Chels

Photos from last year’s trip: