The Story Behind My Nonprofit, Mia’s Closet ❤

Hey guys!!

Happy Friday!

I don’t have any other way to say it… 5 years!! 5 years!! What a beautiful run. Thank you for joining me as I share our story behind my 501(c)3 nonprofit, Mia’s Closet. I can’t believe I’ve never sat down to share this journey for The Coffey Break, and it finally occurred to me haha We’ve got a celebration on the way! Check out the video below. What a ride :’-) Enjoy!

CBC Avatar The Story Behind Mia's Closet Chelsea Coffey

For the past five years, Mia’s Closet has been deeply invested in instilling confidence in underserved kids k-12.

We will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary Friday, May 20th from 8-11pm at 4104 Fannin St., Houston, TX. ❤

anniversary ticket

Come in your best formalwear + cocktail attire, and be prepared to dance, mingle, and have a great time! Music, food and drinks will be available, and proceeds from ticket sales go to continuing the Mia’s Closet mission. You can learn more about it here. This is the birthday party you won’t want to miss!

Want to learn more about Mia’s Closet? Visit us at + donate here:

Mia’s Closet: Building confidence and self-worth in kids k-12, one outfit at a time.

Let’s Connect!

Instagram @miascloset
Facebook Mia’s Closet 
Twitter @miascloset_hou

Coffey Break Chat: Why Hire An Image Consultant?

Fredis Benitez Honeymoon Cafe Houston The Coffey Break

Hey guys!

I’m noticing a pattern, so I take it as a sign to write and vlog about it. More and more often, I’m having conversations with friends, potential clients, and everyone in between about my personal style, and more often than not, if hiring an image consultant is a good investment.

The quick answer is simple. Curating your personal style doesn’t have to be a burden, and more importantly, we all have a few areas where we could use a helping hand from time to time.

Whether you’re looking to do a wardrobe overhaul, receive inspiration, or a few tweaks to your closet here and there; I’ve got you covered.

Still need a little more convincing? I sat down to walk you guys through 5 totally legit reasons to consider hiring (me) an image consultant:

5 Reasons To Hire An Image Consultant:

  1. Our physical appearance is our most immediate, nonverbal, form of communication
  2. Your vibe attracts your tribe –Feeling self-conscious about what you have on on creates self-doubt and that chit is contagious. The last thing you want to do is channel a vibe inconsistent with the connection or impression you want to make.
  3. One less distraction! There are a million and one different things going through our minds in an interview, first date, networking event, meeting mom, and so on. Why wonder about if you’re wearing the appropriate attire if you don’t have to? Stop leaving it up to chance, and get your wardrobe in order, so you can be present in whatever situation you’re in.
  4. We don’t have to be good at everything. Be okay with that.
  5. Tighten the margin for error: I hate to say this, but we live in a visual society. Increase your threshold of opportunity, by attracting the people you want to connect with. Sloppy, unkept appearances are a distraction. Don’t let your physical appearance distract anyone from the good within. There are a ton of things that are out of our control, but we can put our best foot forward to reflect the greatest version of ourselves.

Gotcha thinkin’? Let’s schedule a Coffey Break to uncover the best place to get started with your personal image over at Your first consultation is on me 😉
Peace, Love & Sunshine, Chelsea



Travel Diary: Philly, NYC

Hey guys!

I spent 10 days back on the east coast, and Lord was it stressful haha. I’ve been trying to find a positive twist on how to recap our trip but in some cases, honesty really is the best policy. I recorded a Coffey Break Chat yesterday talking about planning and how God will completely shut down everything to get our attention and reroute us in the right direction.

Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way haha. There were really were a few truly amazing highlights that I’d love to share with you guys.

We started out in Philly to visit one of my bests at UPenn, that’s an Ivy League school btw for anyone who doesn’t know, still so proud! lol Then we made our way up to New York and bounced back and forth between the city and Scarsdale with our wonderful friends turned family, The Squadrons. We were later joined by sweet Zoe and spent a few wonderful days in the city with Josias.

I also picked up a full-on addiction to strawberries topped with Nutella, and Prison Break -thanks a lot Maddy + Netflix… Binge watching anything is not conducive to productivity in my humble opinion, so I’ve basically spent the last week trying to restore balance and boundaries back into my life haha

Over the next week, I’ll be rolling out daily highlights from the trip, and I’m so thankful to be racking up all these together time credits with Maddycita before she heads off for college.

Moral of the story? Resiliency is key. We can’t control what happens to us, but we can control how we react. Have a great week you guys!

Peace, Love & Sunshine ~Chels

First stop, Philly!

Bush Intercontinental: Houston – Philadelphia
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Philadelphia International Airport

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Reading Terminal Market

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Reading Terminal Market

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Sometimes Things Fall Apart… A Year In Review

A year ago today, my life changed forever. I went on a trip to New York, for Fashion Week with two of my closest friends, and by the end of it, I knew I was in trouble. I’ve said it before, and I’ll probably say it a million more times: that city is magic to me. We were there just long enough for me to catch my breath and reevaluate, everything.


At the time, I was working for a creative staffing agency as an account executive. This was going to be my big transition from grad school, and second attempt at Corporate America, only this go-round, I would be in the creative industry, so I just knew I’d be fine. I graduated from Grad School in December of 2013, and started working at the company just a couple of months after -the same week as my 27th birthday actually. I was pumped. Salary, benefits, opportunity to make a commission, the whole nine… Instead, it drained the very life out of me. Literally.

My commute was an hour at minimum. The walk from the parking garage to the office was another 15 minutes. We had a meeting that started every day at 8:30am on-the-dot. I’m pleasant in the morning, but I’m a full-blown night owl. My brain doesn’t even kick in until 10am. Don’t ask me why. It’s just my wiring haha For the next 3hrs we had “Power Hour” where we would be on the phone reaching out to ad agencies, corporations, small business and so on developing new business. Power hour ends. We break for lunch at 12pm for an hour -a real hour, not a minute over- and back to the phones unless we had client visits…

Day in, day out this was my life. I hate monotony, with a passion, and that had become my story. My nonprofit, Mia’s Closet, suffered, more than I could have ever anticipated, and it was heartbreaking. I’m not a crier, and I cried a lot that year.

I very quickly realized that I had been sold a dream, and that I was partially responsible. I got that job in an effort to impress my parents. Plain and simple. As much as I like to think I’m a free spirit, I have to be very intentional about not subscribing to traditional means of success, and that’s the thing about understanding your purpose. When you feel you’re moving in the direction that God is calling you to, the opinion’s of other’s mean less and less.

My first day back to work from New York, I requested a meeting  with my boss as soon as power hour ended. There we were in that small conference room. I had it all figured out in my mind. I was going to sit down, look her in the face, thank her for everything she’s done, tell her I just couldn’t do it anymore, and politely resign.

Well, somewhere along the way, I started to feel bad, really bad. She had stood up for me, cheered me on, and I felt awful for still wanting to leave after all that. It started to feel just like a break up… and then she asked me if I thought this is where I was supposed to be –I burst into tears and choked out a no.

See, leaving this job was more than just leaving a job. I’m a planner, futurist, and there were so many factors tied into this move being a successful one, and the fact that despite all that, I still couldn’t shake the gut feeling that it just wasn’t working scared me. This was going to be my bridge into being a career woman, buying a house, traveling, saving up to move to a new city, and so on…

My mom, said something to me one day while I was on the phone with her having a full on melty on the way to work that I’ll never forget. She said, “Chelsea, at the end of the day, you’re the one who has to live this life, no one else. Life is too short to lead one that makes you miserable.”

More or less that’s the summary of 2014. It was a rebuilding year, and the crazy thing about rebuilding it that you don’t get there without things falling apart.

I’ve spent the last year breaking apart every area of my life asking God to clarify my purpose in all areas. My work, me personally, my calling, spirituality, family roles, all of it. The last year hasn’t been perfect, but I can actually see the progress, and I wouldn’t sacrifice this lifestyle again for anything, even if that means saying no to opportunities I would have jumped at two years ago.

As I sit here on the rooftop having breakfast up here for the first time, I can’t help but think of the following quote: Build your career around your lifestyle, not the other way around. That’s the goal.

I’m praying for any of you guys who want to make the leap, and just haven’t quite figured out how. All things work together for the good of those who have been called according to His purpose.

Just wait and see 😉

Peace, Love & Sunshine ~Chels

Photos from last year’s trip:










Cooking with the Coffey’s: Episode 3 ~ Tostadas

Hey guys!
Join us once a week as I finally buckle down to take on the task of learning how to cook. This week we’re making Tostadas! Thanks for watching! Enjoy 🙂  Peace, Love & Sunshine ~ Chelsea