New In Town || Week 7


Hey guys!

So, a while back, I made the declaration to my little sister, Madison, that I was going to do a blog challenge. I didn’t quite know how long I wanted to do it. I wasn’t sure of the theme. All I knew is that life will pass you by if you aren’t intentional about taking it by the reigns.

2016 has been a big year. A really big year. And I’m still trying to wrap my head around it all. That’s where this challenge comes in. This season -the last 4+years- has been such a rollercoaster. With that in mind, I knew I wanted to be intentional about capturing the last moments of this amazing year.

December has always been special to me, and my reason for loving it so much is simple. It’s an indisputable close of something. So much of my current life is influenced by all these different variables –subject to change. Not December. December 31st marks the close of a year. That it’s over. So whether you killed it all year long, are still holding out for a breakthrough, or a mix of both, its onset signifies that last ditch effort to make the play, hit that home run, set goals, dream big, you name it.

Speaking of big dreams, on October 8th, I packed up my suitcase (the silver bullet), carry-on, purse, and backpack, to job search here in New York City (still so weird seeing that haha). I could go on and on about the story behind that, but I think I’ll save the full version for a Coffey Break Chat.

NY or bust!

Long story short, the transition has not been glamorous haha I’m forever grateful to my wonderful family friends for adopting me, love you Bill + Debra! And my August people Warren, Christa, and Josias, for literally absorbing me into their lives in such a loving, genuine way.

Being broke is not fun. Living out of suitcase is not fun. Being unemployed is not fun. (dramatic face emoji) I had totally forgotten about the toll job searching takes on your emotions and self-esteem. Not to mention, that the irony of it all, is that you can’t just drop the search in pursuit other feel good alternatives. The goal is to get a job. You have to keep going until you get something, it’s just that simple.

I just don’t know how in the world I could have made through this time without you guys…

My confession is that I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I was hoping for the red-carpet experience. I knew it would be challenging, but it’s nearly impossible to anticipate the reality of moving away from everything you know and love without actually experiencing it.

That’s where faith and trusting the vision come in. During my second week, I made the commitment to myself that I would limit my focus to the day ahead of me. That I would make the most of that specific day. That I would be present, and fight the urge to consider anything beyond two weeks out –and that was only if it was absolutely necessary.

A default in my nature is that I have a tendency of being so forward thinking that I can’t ever be fully present. I’d argue however that that mindset welcomes the God moments. There’s something so freeing about surrendering, and saying Your will be done. Where do we go from here day in and day out?

It’s so crazy to look back and see that somehow I’ve actually hit all these little milestones in this short period of time. I know it couldn’t have happened without His divine intervention in my life, and I’ve got stories to tell! haha


Join me over the next few weeks, as I roll out a smorgasbord of reflections, favorite finds, vlogs, and archived content (my cute way of saying content I should have published a long time ago haha)

Highlights from the last 7 weeks below. Enjoy!

Peace + Love + Sunshine -Chels

Why are you stressing? Making the most of Malta

Everyday we come across people. Some we simply pass by. Others we feel drawn to and greet with a smile and a hello. And then there are those that we say to ourselves, “I wonder what they’re like. I’m going to get to know them. *Smirk face + painting my nails emoji”

The first time I remember seeing my dear friend, Christopher Ballew, he was running up on stage at Hope City with the  most perfect 70’s style wing bangs bouncing majestically (I kid you not) with his every move. The next time I saw him he just so happened to be at a team meeting for church. I walked in, and in my mind I was like, “Ohhhmygash! The guy with the fab hair is here!”

My cornerstone indicator for any potential friendship is whether or not I catch myself with a little smirk on my face from laughing at what the person said. By the time we had our first fall-out laughing sesh I knew it was a done deal. Humor wins me over every. single. time. 

The only thing more beautiful than a funny friend who totally vibes with you, is a friend who encourages you to trust God and helps you grow spiritually. Fun times aside, this awesome friend of mine has been such a constant reminder of God’s faithfulness during this time of transition. I recently moved to New York to job search, and boi I tell ya –Let’s save that for later… That’s a whole other post for another time haha

Anyway, yesterday, he gave me one heck of a pep talk about detours and embracing the journey. One that was so good, I had to share it with you guys. Thank you again Chris for being such a ray of sunshine ❤️ 

See below! Enjoy!

Peace, Love, & Sunshine ~ Chels

Why are you stressing? The Lord has already promised to take care of all of your needs. It’s just a matter of being patient, continuing to trust in him, until you walk into that “fullness of time” moment.

For sure! If we have nothing else, we have his promise! 

I was reading in Acts this week about Paul’s ship wreck on the island of Malta while he was headed to Rome. They ended up stuck on this island for three months. I know that would cost me a great deal of frustration if that was not a planned stop on my journey.

But through this detour, God use Paul to miraculously heal one of the leaders of those people. Which totally impacted that region. By the end of the three months God has provided for them a boat to continue their journey and all the supplies they would need to finish out their trip to Rome

What if that shipwreck wasn’t a detour? What if that was part of gods plan? What if God’s vision was bigger than on arriving safely around? What if his vision involved impacting the island of Malta for his kingdom?

More than ever before, I’m receiving revelation that it’s not about the destination but about the journey. That’s a cliché we use all the time but it’s becoming more and more real to me.

When we have a destination mentality, we continue to live our lives and disappointment because with every change, shift and schedule, detour, we see it as an interruption to what we feel is our destination, whether we feel we have arrived there or not.

But, if we truly have a journeyman mentality and look in every situation in search of Jesus and how he wants to use us in that moment to impact his kingdom, then what we used to see as detours actually become exciting opportunities for adventure and encounters with the Lord.

We end up in places, whether because the Lord has led us there or because he has used an attack of the enemy to bring beauty from ashes, that we never dreamed we would be! And we get to do things and be a part of things, miracles! That we never would have imagined or even thought to pray for.

Because the experience on the island of Malta was not just about impacting those people. But because the guards who were holding all the prisoners on that ship Sompong in action and being used by the Lord, it completely altered and changed his experience in Rome. Where he may have been tortured and his prison experience made worse he was allowed to live alone and enjoy some comforts.

One thing is for sure! God has a handle on all of this way better than we ever could! So, take your hands off of it, release it to the Lord, and just trust that he will get you to Rome. 😃

… And enjoy the journey. LOL

-Christopher Ballew

Mostly — just start: Interview with Photographer Fredis Benitez

Hey guys!

Every now and then, I have the pleasure of working with someone that gets my wheels spinning. It’s this sudden feeling of wonderment. I want to know their whole story. The road that got them to where there are today. The inspiration behind the work they do. How they find the motivation to stick with it day in day out… The whole nine.


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Chelsea Coffey, Fredis Benitez, Houston
Back in March, I was super flattered by the opportunity to shoot with Fredis Benitez. By the looks of his portfolio, I never would have thought that he was just getting started. His aesthetic is clean, crisp, and dreamy in tangible way, and most impressively, he’s a dreamer committed to the execution of making these dreams of his a reality.
See below for my full interview with Fredis. Hopefully, it’ll be an inspiration to anyone out there needing a push to just start whatever it is you’re holding back on. Enjoy!
Peace, Love & Sunshine ~Chels
Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset
The Coffey Break, Fredis Benitez, Houston
1. Fredis, introduce yourself. We want to know all about you. Where you’re from, etc.

First off, thank you Chelsea for asking me to be a part of your blog. I truly appreciate it.

I am a native Houstonian and currently live in SW Houston. Spent 4 formative years in Austin where I graduated from college. My background is in advertising/marketing.

Photographer, Fredis Benitez
2. How long have you been doing photography? Is that your background by trade?

I bought my first “legitimate” camera in October (Team Nikon).  Prior to that I simply used my phone. Photography is not my background so there has definitely been a learning curve and obsessiveness with researching. I’m still very much an amateur compared to some of the great talent out there. 

Really what I enjoy about the process is editing because of how therapeutic it is and the infinite ways you can compose.  


Chelsea Coffey, The Coffey Break, Mias Closet, Houston Photo: Fredis Benitez
3. Walk me through the step-by-step process you went through to get to where you are today. What was the first thing you did? Next?

I attribute a huge part of where I’m at to some of the really talented people I have been exposed to throughout my life. The thing about creativity is it can be expressed in so many different ways beyond a picture — there’s music, cooking, fashion. All of these are things that I observe from a distance, respect, and emulate in some way.

My first step was starting — I compare any new hobby to running. The first 1/2 mile is generally the most painful but once you find your tempo and stay at it you’ll find it gets easier and you get better.   

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The Coffey Break, Dean’s Downtown Houston, Photographer Fredis Benitez
4. Are there any Houston photographers (or anyone in particular regardless of where they’re from) who’s work you really appreciate and why?

Absolutely. Greg Noire is a local Houston photographer on a different level right now. I respect his vision and talent. 

Nationally, Aaron Brimhall — he’s a moto-lifestyle photographer my friend Mike introduced me to. I actually got to meet him and he is one of the most amazingly talented yet down-to-earth, humble dudes in the game; all attributes I respect.

The Coffey Break, Chelsea Coffey, The Pastry War, Downtown Houston, Photo: Fredis Benitez
5. What’s the one thing you wish you would have known before getting started with photography?
How expensive it can get.
The Coffey Break, Chelsea Coffey, The Honeymoon Cafe, Downtown Houston, Photo: Fredis Benitez
6. It may be too soon to ask this, but what’s your vision for photography and your brand? What do you want to be known for? Where do you want to take it or it to take you?

It is early, but my vision for what I do is steadfast improvement. I will continue to travel and document wherever I go. I simply want to be known as putting out great work, which I know will take time and continued practice. At some point I’d like for my work to be on a national publication — something like Kinfolk or Cereal mag.

Chelsea Coffey The Honeymoon Cafe Fredis Benitez
The Coffey Break, Chelsea Coffey, The Honeymoon Cafe, Downtown Houston, Photo: Fredis Benitez

7. Last, but not least, if a kid walked up to you asking for your advice and you only had a few minutes to give them your best tip, what would it be?

Don’t focus on what’s not available to you. A key aspect to creativity is using what you have around you to make things happen.

Mostly — just start. 
Fredis Benitez Honeymoon Cafe Houston The Coffey Break
The Coffey Break, The Honeymoon Cafe, Downtown Houston, Photo: Fredis Benitez
Top 5 favorite things about Houston?

1.  Coffee Shop — Blacksmith because they serve Greenway and have powdered soap (Houston can be hipster too). The Wifi is fast. 

2.  Restaurant — It used to be FuFu Cafe but we all know what happened there. I’d have to say Brasil (patio area). You can people-watch and get good food. 

3. Cocktail: Moving Sidewalk: The whiskey sour is legit and I take everyone I know there

4.  Tout Suite — if you take anyone from out of town there they leave with a great impression of Houston and the macarons are delicious. They also serve boba so major plus. 

5. Activity — shooting pictures or riding motorcycles with my friend Mike Le. We always bounce ideas off of each other so it’s a good place to get feedback for plans.   

The Coffey Break, Chelsea Coffey, Metro Rail, Downtown Houston, Photo: Fredis Benitez
Want to connect with Fredis?
instagram: @fredisb
Let’s connect!
Twitter/Instagram @thecoffeybreak

Coffey Break Chat: How to find the work you were meant to do


Mini Melty’s are always a good kick in the butt. Thank God for those emails Marie Forleo sends all the time. I searched her name and scrolled and scrolled until I found the subject line I needed to see –How to find the work you were meant to do.

God has this beautiful way of giving us what we need when we need it most and revealing it just in the nick of time.

Join me for this week’s Coffey Break Chat as I share where I’m at with my own journey to discovering what I’m meant to do and personal reflection on hanging in there!

Hope this will be a blessing to you guys. Praying for any and everyone out there who can relate.

Peace, Love & Sunshine, Chelsea

Let’s connect!
Twitter/Instagram @thecoffeybreak


As of May // 10 things I’ve taken from #2016 so far.

April 2016 Review:

  1. Give yourself permission to live a big life. 

  2. Step into who you are meant to be. 

  3. Know your worth -stop playing it small.

  4. Make real connections. 

  5. Be intentional. 

  6. Be specific. 

  7. Take risks -challenge your comfort zone. 

  8. Don’t wait. Do it scared. 

  9. Surround yourself with the best -People who love you, push you, motivate you, laugh with you, hurt with you, for you, pray with you, for you, etc. 

  10. Keep God at the center of it all. Trust Him to lead the way. 

We’re meant for greater things. We just have to commit to tapping into it. I can’t say this enough. Trust the process. Trust your path. Stay in your lane. Believe all things are working together for the good.

It’s a new month. Let’s speak everything we’re believing for into these next few weeks. Our words create our world 🙏🏾

Peace, Love & Sunshine ~ Chels 💋

📷: Keith Goodman

Let’s connect!
Twitter/Instagram @thecoffeybreak