The Grind

Downtown Houston Skyline Chelsea Coffey The Coffey Break

Hey guys,

Good  mornin’, ya know, I don’t always have the words to articulate what I’m feeling or going through, and in times when I’m feeling that way, I find myself so thankful for the internet.

Yesterday a friend shared and article from GQ, and Sarah Paulson’s interview was such a thoughtful reflection on the beauty of discovering and appreciating the path that is uniquely yours. Below you’ll find a snippet from the interview. Hope you enjoy! Don’t forget to subscribe. Tell a friend, show a friend, pay it forward 🙂

Peace, Love, & Sunshine ~Chelsea

Start Out Disappointed If at All Possible

If my career had turned out like the fantasy I had of what it was going to be, it would never have made me happy. But I couldn’t have known that until it didn’t happen. I found a success that is so much bigger and deeper and better, and it’s because it happened later. If any of what I’m having happen now—the successes—would have happened to me when I was younger, I would have been ruined. Because when you’re young, and things come super easily to you, and you have success right out of the gate, you’re liable to think that’s how it actually works. You start to think you don’t need to be fully prepared or committed to have these things meet you.

Don’t Keep Calm, But Carry On

I muscled a lot of what I’ve achieved by sheer force of will and relentless determination. And I wasn’t hearing a lot of “Everything’s going to be fine. You’re going to have everything you want.” I would get one job, and then I wouldn’t work again for two years. Or I would get one great job, and it would very quickly become a nothing thing… Read the rest of her interview here.

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