15 Minute Guided Morning Meditation with Biko Gray

Hi guys!

Good morning! Today is a big day and not just because it is the first day of our annual fast.

So, here’s the deal, back in September, before my life turned into a real-life vacuum haha, I sat down with my dear friend, Biko Gray, to record a Meditation Series for The Coffey Break. Well, the time has finally come! Three mugs of tea, a few really unhealthy meals, and a bag of Sour Brite crawlers later and we have a 4 part guided meditation series that will roll out every Monday over the next 4 weeks!

A little background. I’ve spent the greater part of the past year and a half rotating four different meditation videos. Each video has had a unique influence on everything from my self-talk to my outlook on money to how I view my future self and the role I play in what that looks like, but I always felt like there was something I wished I could have added. So it finally occurred to me that it’s time to create my own. A tweak here and there, new music, new visuals, new voices, new messages, the whole nine.

My mind is always racing a million and one miles a minute, analyzing creating, dreaming haha the list goes on, and meditation is the one thing that actually allows me to slow down just long enough to find my center and more importantly quiet the distractions.

About two years ago, I think, I heard Biko do a breathing exercise in front of a large group at an event. Little did I know that we would go on to become friends, or that he would be on the board of my nonprofit Mia’s Closet. All I knew was that in that short time of breathing in the good and out the bad, I literally felt the stress melt away.

So, after a year and a half of listening to my bookmarked meditation videos, it was a no-brainer that it was not only the time for me to create something of my own but bring in someone who I greatly respected.

So! Without further ado! Please see below for the very first installment of The Coffey Break Guided Meditation Series. The footage in the videos is from my personal archive of my most favorite beaches around the country and a cameo, courtesy of my baby sister Madison, of the rock beaches in Nice.

I’ll be praying and standing in agreement with each and every one of you guys believing for God to do something incredible in their lives in 2017. Every time I fast, I jot down those specific requests on a sticky note and add it to my circular chalkboard. *If you haven’t read the Circle Maker, get it!) Please don’t hesitate to leave your prayer request below or DM me.

Please don’t hesitate to leave your prayer request below or DM me. It’s such a blessing to finally see this project coming to fruition!

Speaking of things coming to fruition, as tough as it is, I kind of love this time of year. It’s a great way to do a scan of the world around me, hit the reset in all areas and align my intentions for the year ahead. I always feel a closer connection to God when it’s over, and year after year, I’ve looked back and realized how He has simply blown me away with answered prayer after answered prayer.

Hope today’s a great one! Be blessed ❤

Peace, Love, & Sunshine ~Chels


Hello November 

Jesus Calling

Hello November 🍃💕🍁✨🍂

Hi guys, I simply can’t believe the year is almost over… After a month of getting settled (I have the most amazing adoptive families 😪) It’s time refocus and get back on track. 

There’s no way to anticipate the curveballs coming for us from day to day. Some come at you so unexpectedly that time completely slows down until you realize you’re standing or sitting there, frozen, trying to process whatever just happened. Others require a lightning fast response to handle the situation without time to think or even process anything. 

Regardless of the type of curveball; prayer, my devotional, and time of meditation have been such an essential part of setting the tone going into each day. There’s no question whether or not it serves as an anchor when a full-blown storm rolls in, and I notice a distinct difference when I don’t have time or make time to find my center at the beginning of the day. 

I always jokingly say this, but being a grown up is hard, really hard and we have protect our minds and hearts as best as we can from the things that come to knock us off our feet. Never underestimate how much of a difference it can make mentallly, emotionally, and spiritually to start each day with intention. 

*And be on the lookout to encourage someone else? We never know what other people are going through and you just might be the very person someone needs to make it through the day. 

Sending so much love y’all’s way. Hope it’s a great one ❤️ Xoxo -Chels






It’s time for a change 

This year I did things a little differently. I planted written reminders of my vision for my life and words of encouragement all around my room and in my devotionals. The beauty of vision is that it creates a filter, so whether I come across one of these intentionally or it slips out of my Jesus Calling like this one, I have a reminder right there in front of me of my vision for this year and beyond. Each time I come across one, it serves as a checkpoint for me to ask myself, what’s working? What’s not working? Is there something I can do differently? It also allows me to recognize when it’s time to switch things up and/or try something new all together. If we change when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of changing, it’s imperative to recognize that pain, angst, or whatever you want to call it, and create opportunities to win. So many battles start in the heart and mind, and I choose to believe that we can position ourselves to welcome a beautiful shift once our minds can convince our hearts of the fullness we have in store in each and every area: our careers, our families, love, all of it. Chase the vision. It’s wonderfully beautifully ours for the taking.Happy Thursday guys! Xoxo-Chels 💋




#PathMinded #TheCoffeyBreak


Let’s Talk

Change happens when the pain of holding on becomes greater than the fear of letting go.

There’s something to be said about that shift. Believe in the beauty of your dreams. The ones you can’t shake. The ones that keep you up at night. It’s no coincidence to feel something so strongly within you. Each and every one of us has a calling for our lives. It’s God’s gift to us.

Many of us spend our earliest years building our lives within the preset boundaries of family and school, and as a grad student, I had that same structure well into my 20’s.

Now that I’ve been out of school for a while, I’ve come to realize one very important thing, there’s no curriculum for being an adult. You may have a great job, be married, starting a family, chasing your dreams haha and still feel out of touch, lost, or worse, like you’re just living.

That’s where I come in. I’m developing a program and compiling a set of srvices (It’s going to be awesome!) for all the people /like me/ who know the potential for greatness is there, they just need a game plan, a community, and a curriculum for navigating this journey of adulthood.

Now, before we even get into any sentiments of entrepreneurial pursuits or any other major shifts just yet, I want to be very clear, my focus for this program is  strictly dedicated to personal development and building a strong foundation.

I genuinely believe that clarity of self provides the keys to the very doors we’re hoping to have revealed to us. I’ve spent the last 10 years of my life trying to fit into a space where I simply didn’t belong. It just hit me one day, of course I’ve only seen glimpses of the success I see for myself. I’ve been trying to fit my square peg self into all the cookie cutter holes that simply weren’t designed for me.

And that’s the beauty of self-exploration and taking the time to understand the value you bring to the table.

You may have the best business idea, be happy at your job, in your relationships, and so on, and still feel like somethings off.

Let’s dig a little?

*And before I roll out these questions ask yourself each question, twice. We have a tendency to endear towards an ideal of ourselves or simply be too hard on ourselves.


What is your perception of yourself? Are you confident about your strengths? Do you feel you communicate effectively with your friends and loved ones? Are you in tune with your weaknesses? Your triggers? What impressions are you making on other people? Are you social? Are you an introvert? Both? Do you feel as if there’s a disconnect between what you’re doing and what you wish you could be doing?
What if I told you that I guarantee that there are blind spots, and that those blind spots could possibly be causing you to operate beneath your full potential.

There’s no curriculum for being an adult, and that’s where I come in. As a futurist, I’m here to help. There is a field of Futures Studies (my grad degree) dedicated exclusively to Personal Futures (To be clear, this a multidisciplinary forecasting program, not fortune telling.) and Personal Futures was my concentration (major).

The process I’m putting together includes three parts: Exploration, Clarification, & Metrics for Success. Some of us excel quite naturally and do best going with the flow, while others (a free spirited individual such as myself for example haha) benefit from a predetermined framework to help us identify our vision and stay on track.

I’ve looked for a consultant like this for years, me I’ve finally come to the conclusion that this may simply be God’s calling for me. My very own niche, and that this is the only route that could have gotten me here to be a resource everyone out there who can relate.

Whatever the motivation, it’s essential to know that resources are there to better understand yourself, improve your relationships, and work smarter. You just have to tap into them.

Feel free to DM me to learn more about my consulting services or book an appointment 🙏🏾💞✨

Xoxo -Chels

let’s connect?

ig/twitter: @thecoffeybreak

Hello July 💕 || 3 Things to carry into the third quarter. 

💞 We’re officially halfway through the year, and this morning’s devotion was right on time. There was too much good to not share. Enjoy!  

  1. Your response to God’s promptings will make or break you. It may seem unsafe or insane, but if you stay in the boat, you’ll never take that leap of faith to walk on water.

  2. When God keeps something from happening, we don’t know how to thank Him because we don’t know what He did. But someday, He’ll reveal the invisible answers, and we’ll praise him for them. 

  3. Praying hard starts with listening to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit. And if you are faithful in the small things and obey those little promptings, then God can use you to do big things 💕

This walk seems to be an ongoing cycle of crazy leaps of faith and hand holding, another leap of faith and the hand holding resumes, and so on… At some point, the parent lets go of the bike and there goes their baby racing full speed ahead all on their own. 

Pray intentional prayers and trust your gut regardless of what stage of the cycle you’re in. All things are working together for the good. We just have to wholeheartedly commit to believing that all things are working together for the good 🙏🏾❤️🌞 ~Chels 

#RooftopDiaries #PathMinded#TheCoffeyBreak

Book: The Circle Maker