It’s time for a changeĀ 

This year I did things a little differently. I planted written reminders of my vision for my life and words of encouragement all around my room and in my devotionals. The beauty of vision is that it creates a filter, so whether I come across one of these intentionally or it slips out of my Jesus Calling like this one, I have a reminder right there in front of me of my vision for this year and beyond. Each time I come across one, it serves as a checkpoint for me to ask myself, what’s working? What’s not working? Is there something I can do differently? It also allows me to recognize when it’s time to switch things up and/or try something new all together. If we change when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of changing, it’s imperative to recognize that pain, angst, or whatever you want to call it, and create opportunities to win. So many battles start in the heart and mind, and I choose to believe that we can position ourselves to welcome a beautiful shift once our minds can convince our hearts of the fullness we have in store in each and every area: our careers, our families, love, all of it. Chase the vision. It’s wonderfully beautifully ours for the taking.Happy Thursday guys! Xoxo-Chels 💋




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