15 Minute Guided Morning Meditation with Biko Gray

Hi guys!

Good morning! Today is a big day and not just because it is the first day of our annual fast.

So, here’s the deal, back in September, before my life turned into a real-life vacuum haha, I sat down with my dear friend, Biko Gray, to record a Meditation Series for The Coffey Break. Well, the time has finally come! Three mugs of tea, a few really unhealthy meals, and a bag of Sour Brite crawlers later and we have a 4 part guided meditation series that will roll out every Monday over the next 4 weeks!

A little background. I’ve spent the greater part of the past year and a half rotating four different meditation videos. Each video has had a unique influence on everything from my self-talk to my outlook on money to how I view my future self and the role I play in what that looks like, but I always felt like there was something I wished I could have added. So it finally occurred to me that it’s time to create my own. A tweak here and there, new music, new visuals, new voices, new messages, the whole nine.

My mind is always racing a million and one miles a minute, analyzing creating, dreaming haha the list goes on, and meditation is the one thing that actually allows me to slow down just long enough to find my center and more importantly quiet the distractions.

About two years ago, I think, I heard Biko do a breathing exercise in front of a large group at an event. Little did I know that we would go on to become friends, or that he would be on the board of my nonprofit Mia’s Closet. All I knew was that in that short time of breathing in the good and out the bad, I literally felt the stress melt away.

So, after a year and a half of listening to my bookmarked meditation videos, it was a no-brainer that it was not only the time for me to create something of my own but bring in someone who I greatly respected.

So! Without further ado! Please see below for the very first installment of The Coffey Break Guided Meditation Series. The footage in the videos is from my personal archive of my most favorite beaches around the country and a cameo, courtesy of my baby sister Madison, of the rock beaches in Nice.

I’ll be praying and standing in agreement with each and every one of you guys believing for God to do something incredible in their lives in 2017. Every time I fast, I jot down those specific requests on a sticky note and add it to my circular chalkboard. *If you haven’t read the Circle Maker, get it!) Please don’t hesitate to leave your prayer request below or DM me.

Please don’t hesitate to leave your prayer request below or DM me. It’s such a blessing to finally see this project coming to fruition!

Speaking of things coming to fruition, as tough as it is, I kind of love this time of year. It’s a great way to do a scan of the world around me, hit the reset in all areas and align my intentions for the year ahead. I always feel a closer connection to God when it’s over, and year after year, I’ve looked back and realized how He has simply blown me away with answered prayer after answered prayer.

Hope today’s a great one! Be blessed ❤

Peace, Love, & Sunshine ~Chels


Sundays are for Daydreamin’ || Future Home Inspiration

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Baby Steps // Brooklyn 10.10.16

Hey guys!

Happy Sunday! So confession, as much as I dislike the idea of falling into the pack… man oh man is that the case when it comes to home decor haha. When I moved into our townhouse in Houston, I was so sure that my room would be a carbon copy of my favorite minimalistic spaces on Pinterest; however, to my surprise, that wasn’t at all the case. One section got the look, my desk. The rest of my room was a smooth blend of vintage charm and warm gold tones.

Looking back, it shouldn’t have been all that surprising now that I think about it. My personal style is a reflection of whatever vibe I’m looking to channel that day and I have the wardrobe to match. When cornered, I think it can be best described as urban chic, and I think the same can be said of my design sense.

Regardless of the actual outcome of my future New York space, I’m having a field day scrolling through Pinterest, pinning my favorites, and dreaming of a day I’ll have a place to call my own here in the city.

Until then, here’s a peek into the swoon-worthy spaces holding me over in the meantime. Enjoy!

Have a favorite spaces board? Share in the comments below. I’d love to check it out! 🙂

Xoxo -Chels

let’s connect?

ig/twitter: @thecoffeybreak







New In Town || Week 7


Hey guys!

So, a while back, I made the declaration to my little sister, Madison, that I was going to do a blog challenge. I didn’t quite know how long I wanted to do it. I wasn’t sure of the theme. All I knew is that life will pass you by if you aren’t intentional about taking it by the reigns.

2016 has been a big year. A really big year. And I’m still trying to wrap my head around it all. That’s where this challenge comes in. This season -the last 4+years- has been such a rollercoaster. With that in mind, I knew I wanted to be intentional about capturing the last moments of this amazing year.

December has always been special to me, and my reason for loving it so much is simple. It’s an indisputable close of something. So much of my current life is influenced by all these different variables –subject to change. Not December. December 31st marks the close of a year. That it’s over. So whether you killed it all year long, are still holding out for a breakthrough, or a mix of both, its onset signifies that last ditch effort to make the play, hit that home run, set goals, dream big, you name it.

Speaking of big dreams, on October 8th, I packed up my suitcase (the silver bullet), carry-on, purse, and backpack, to job search here in New York City (still so weird seeing that haha). I could go on and on about the story behind that, but I think I’ll save the full version for a Coffey Break Chat.

NY or bust!

Long story short, the transition has not been glamorous haha I’m forever grateful to my wonderful family friends for adopting me, love you Bill + Debra! And my August people Warren, Christa, and Josias, for literally absorbing me into their lives in such a loving, genuine way.

Being broke is not fun. Living out of suitcase is not fun. Being unemployed is not fun. (dramatic face emoji) I had totally forgotten about the toll job searching takes on your emotions and self-esteem. Not to mention, that the irony of it all, is that you can’t just drop the search in pursuit other feel good alternatives. The goal is to get a job. You have to keep going until you get something, it’s just that simple.

I just don’t know how in the world I could have made through this time without you guys…

My confession is that I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I was hoping for the red-carpet experience. I knew it would be challenging, but it’s nearly impossible to anticipate the reality of moving away from everything you know and love without actually experiencing it.

That’s where faith and trusting the vision come in. During my second week, I made the commitment to myself that I would limit my focus to the day ahead of me. That I would make the most of that specific day. That I would be present, and fight the urge to consider anything beyond two weeks out –and that was only if it was absolutely necessary.

A default in my nature is that I have a tendency of being so forward thinking that I can’t ever be fully present. I’d argue however that that mindset welcomes the God moments. There’s something so freeing about surrendering, and saying Your will be done. Where do we go from here day in and day out?

It’s so crazy to look back and see that somehow I’ve actually hit all these little milestones in this short period of time. I know it couldn’t have happened without His divine intervention in my life, and I’ve got stories to tell! haha


Join me over the next few weeks, as I roll out a smorgasbord of reflections, favorite finds, vlogs, and archived content (my cute way of saying content I should have published a long time ago haha)

Highlights from the last 7 weeks below. Enjoy!


Peace + Love + Sunshine -Chels

The Moments That Freeze You In Time: Union Station

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These train stations 💕 You know that feeling when you’re about to flip, and you catch yourself because you’re like, hold on wait, this is a trap. Something good is about to come of this 😅 Please, let something good come of this haha
The cherry on top of yesterday’s craziness was that I had not just one, but two, @uber drivers, cancel my rides. After a 5 hour ride from NYC, the last thing you want is to spend another hour in the side of the road, in an unfamiliar city, trying to explain your location to someone who doesn’t speak English well. I could feel myself getting more and more mad. Like I was maxing out. I had all these bags, and in that movement, I thanked God for Christopher Ballew.
A few weeks back, he planted a seed that has stayed with me through every step of this clumsy transition –Embrace The Detour. I remembered his advice about 20 seconds before entering into the main concourse… Guys, Union Station is beautiful, like amazingly beautiful, and in that moment, I could literally feel all the tension leave my shoulders. I was like this is it. This is why. I was so hellbent on getting into a car and making it to my destination that I would have missed out on this moment. I call them the moments that freeze you in time. Some are the feel good kind. Some hurt like crazy. But nonetheless, they slow you down just long enough to be fully present. Take it all in. And feel everything that’s happening in such a dreamy way.
I’ve been using The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson as my devotional for years now, and his stories of how God has opened door after door have been such an inspiration.

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Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

For years now, I’ve created this mental image of what Union Station looked like, and in retrospect, if either of those first two rides had worked out picking me up from the parking garage, I would have missed out on that reminder of God’s awesome faithfulness to Mark, and the simple truth that He makes no mistakes. He’s in our corner working it out, even when if it doesn’t seem like it.

This move has not been an easy one. It’s been wonderful, but it hasn’t been easy. It has actually been a huge challenge and an even bigger test of my faith, resiliency, and ability to commit to believing in the vision I see for myself day in and day out.

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Processed with VSCO with a4 preset

Sometimes, we’re moving too fast to have a chance to take it all in. Build a life you’ll love, yes, but the key is remembering to actually enjoy it. The funniest part about it all (not haha funny) was that I had the opportunity to pass on job search advice to my driver who was a recent grad and had just immigrated here from Cuba.

*I also told him that if he really is tired of the cold, is looking for warm and friendly people, and good food, Houston’s the move. You don’t have to be miserable and in despair. Control what you can. It’s so interesting how the feeling of being stuck can convince us that there aren’t any other options.

Trust the timing of your life. I’m seeing more and more that so much of what happens “to us” is more about how God is going to use us. The journey is just as beautiful as the destination. Happy Saturday guys ✌🏿️😋 Xoxo -Chels


The Grind

Downtown Houston Skyline Chelsea Coffey The Coffey Break

Hey guys,

Good  mornin’, ya know, I don’t always have the words to articulate what I’m feeling or going through, and in times when I’m feeling that way, I find myself so thankful for the internet.

Yesterday a friend shared and article from GQ, and Sarah Paulson’s interview was such a thoughtful reflection on the beauty of discovering and appreciating the path that is uniquely yours. Below you’ll find a snippet from the interview. Hope you enjoy! Don’t forget to subscribe. Tell a friend, show a friend, pay it forward 🙂

Peace, Love, & Sunshine ~Chelsea

Start Out Disappointed If at All Possible

If my career had turned out like the fantasy I had of what it was going to be, it would never have made me happy. But I couldn’t have known that until it didn’t happen. I found a success that is so much bigger and deeper and better, and it’s because it happened later. If any of what I’m having happen now—the successes—would have happened to me when I was younger, I would have been ruined. Because when you’re young, and things come super easily to you, and you have success right out of the gate, you’re liable to think that’s how it actually works. You start to think you don’t need to be fully prepared or committed to have these things meet you.

Don’t Keep Calm, But Carry On

I muscled a lot of what I’ve achieved by sheer force of will and relentless determination. And I wasn’t hearing a lot of “Everything’s going to be fine. You’re going to have everything you want.” I would get one job, and then I wouldn’t work again for two years. Or I would get one great job, and it would very quickly become a nothing thing… Read the rest of her interview here.

let’s connect!

ig/twitter: @thecoffeybreak
