These train stations 💕 You know that feeling when you’re about to flip, and you catch yourself because you’re like, hold on wait, this is a trap. Something good is about to come of this 😅 Please, let something good come of this haha
The cherry on top of yesterday’s craziness was that I had not just one, but two, @uber drivers, cancel my rides. After a 5 hour ride from NYC, the last thing you want is to spend another hour in the side of the road, in an unfamiliar city, trying to explain your location to someone who doesn’t speak English well. I could feel myself getting more and more mad. Like I was maxing out. I had all these bags, and in that movement, I thanked God for Christopher Ballew.
A few weeks back, he planted a seed that has stayed with me through every step of this clumsy transition –Embrace The Detour. I remembered his advice about 20 seconds before entering into the main concourse… Guys, Union Station is beautiful, like amazingly beautiful, and in that moment, I could literally feel all the tension leave my shoulders. I was like this is it. This is why. I was so hellbent on getting into a car and making it to my destination that I would have missed out on this moment. I call them the moments that freeze you in time. Some are the feel good kind. Some hurt like crazy. But nonetheless, they slow you down just long enough to be fully present. Take it all in. And feel everything that’s happening in such a dreamy way.
I’ve been using The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson as my devotional for years now, and his stories of how God has opened door after door have been such an inspiration.
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For years now, I’ve created this mental image of what Union Station looked like, and in retrospect, if either of those first two rides had worked out picking me up from the parking garage, I would have missed out on that reminder of God’s awesome faithfulness to Mark, and the simple truth that He makes no mistakes. He’s in our corner working it out, even when if it doesn’t seem like it.
This move has not been an easy one. It’s been wonderful, but it hasn’t been easy. It has actually been a huge challenge and an even bigger test of my faith, resiliency, and ability to commit to believing in the vision I see for myself day in and day out.
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Sometimes, we’re moving too fast to have a chance to take it all in. Build a life you’ll love, yes, but the key is remembering to actually enjoy it. The funniest part about it all (not haha funny) was that I had the opportunity to pass on job search advice to my driver who was a recent grad and had just immigrated here from Cuba.
*I also told him that if he really is tired of the cold, is looking for warm and friendly people, and good food, Houston’s the move. You don’t have to be miserable and in despair. Control what you can. It’s so interesting how the feeling of being stuck can convince us that there aren’t any other options.
Trust the timing of your life. I’m seeing more and more that so much of what happens “to us” is more about how God is going to use us. The journey is just as beautiful as the destination. Happy Saturday guys ✌🏿️😋 Xoxo -Chels
Chelsea Coffey, East Downtown, Houston, The Coffey Brea
Somehow, Marilyn Monroe managed to sum up so many of the thoughts and feelings from my entire day yesterday in one quote all those years ago…
Before I get to it. Know this-
The enemy will try to steal our joy, and that’s the beauty of faith. The part he can’t quite comprehend –that God sees every need, big & small, and that He will send us guardian angels in the beautiful form of friends to carry us through even the most difficult of days. Days where something in their spirit stirs so strongly that they just have this gut feeling to reach out to you, or be connected to you, even if they don’t know why or where that feeling is coming from.
It’s all about a vibe, a frequency, and I do my best to cherish the ones who are synced up to me in that way 💗
I know I stress the importance of relationships so much on here, but it’s something I believe in so strongly. Find your tribe. Love them hard 🙏🏾
peace, love & sunshine ~ Chels
This life is what you make it. No matter what, you’re going to mess up sometimes, it’s a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you’re going to mess it up.
Girls will be your friends – they’ll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything – they’re your true best friends. Don’t let go of them…
Also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world. As for lovers, well, they’ll come and go too. And baby, I hate to say it, most of them – actually pretty much all of them are going to break your heart, but you can’t give up because if you give up, you’ll never find your soul mate. You’ll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything.
Just because you fail once, doesn’t mean you’re gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don’t, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life’s a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.
Marilyn Monroe
I’m noticing a pattern, so I take it as a sign to write and vlog about it. More and more often, I’m having conversations with friends, potential clients, and everyone in between about my personal style, and more often than not, if hiring an image consultant is a good investment.
The quick answer is simple. Curating your personal style doesn’t have to be a burden, and more importantly, we all have a few areas where we could use a helping hand from time to time.
Whether you’re looking to do a wardrobe overhaul, receive inspiration, or a few tweaks to your closet here and there; I’ve got you covered.
Still need a little more convincing? I sat down to walk you guys through 5 totally legit reasons to consider hiring (me) an image consultant:
5 Reasons To Hire An Image Consultant:
Our physical appearance is our most immediate, nonverbal, form of communication
Your vibe attracts your tribe –Feeling self-conscious about what you have on on creates self-doubt and that chit is contagious. The last thing you want to do is channel a vibe inconsistent with the connection or impression you want to make.
One less distraction! There are a million and one different things going through our minds in an interview, first date, networking event, meeting mom, and so on. Why wonder about if you’re wearing the appropriate attire if you don’t have to? Stop leaving it up to chance, and get your wardrobe in order, so you can be present in whatever situation you’re in.
We don’t have to be good at everything. Be okay with that.
Tighten the margin for error: I hate to say this, but we live in a visual society. Increase your threshold of opportunity, by attracting the people you want to connect with. Sloppy, unkept appearances are a distraction. Don’t let your physical appearance distract anyone from the good within. There are a ton of things that are out of our control, but we can put our best foot forward to reflect the greatest version of ourselves.
Gotcha thinkin’? Let’s schedule a Coffey Break to uncover the best place to get started with your personal image over at Your first consultation is on me 😉
Peace, Love & Sunshine, Chelsea
Every now and then I come across a Jesus Calling devotional that moves me enough to share it here on The Coffey Break. The words below are so incredibly powerful. Comparison is the thief of joy. Protect your peace. 🙏🏾❤️☀️ ~Chels
Stop judging and evaluating yourself, for this is not your role. Above all, stop comparing yourself with other people. This produces feelings of pride or inferiority; sometimes, a mixture of both. I lead each of My children along a path that is uniquely tailor-made for him or her. Comparing is not only wrong; it is also meaningless.
Don’t look for affirmation in the wrong places: your own evaluations, or those of other people. The only source of real affirmation is My unconditional Love. Many believers perceive Me as an unpleasable Judge, angrily searching out their faults and failures. Nothing could be farther from the truth! I died for your sins, so that I might clothe you in My garments of salvation. This is how I see you: radiant in My robe of righteousness. When I discipline you, it is never in anger or disgust; it is to prepare you for face-to-Face fellowship with me throughout all eternity. Immerse yourself in My loving Presence. Be receptive to My affirmation, which flows continually from the throne of grace.
Photo by photographer extraordinaire, Unique James of
Let’s connect: IG + Twitter @thecoffeybreak
So, yesterday I had a mini-melty. Life is funny. About six months ago, I made a mental note that I had 6 months until my 29th birthday. I failed to continue to add an additional month as time progressed. So essentially, I’ve been walking around thinking to myself that I have 6 months until my 29th birthday. Right up until yesterday, when it actually hit me.
I don’t have six months. I’m right right inside of one month. And I’ve spent the last 24hrs. trying to figure out how I feel about that. On the one hand, it will be a blessing to see another year. On the other hand, 29 is a totally loaded year for me.
To say the least, I spent the earlier part of my twenties assuming that I would be married by 28, so my vision of the time period was built around my future family (even if that was just me and my husband) in a very abstract way. See the theme here?
So there’s this whole idea that people don’t plan to fail, it’s that they fail to plan, and I guess my retort for that is where does God fit into all that?
See in theory, yes, I could have had a plan. A freaking air tight, knock their socks off kind of plan, professionally, personally, spiritually and so on. But, there’s still the reality of God’s good and perfect plan. A plan that may not add up to the timeline you or I have preset. So I ask, how does it all work? lol
I’d love for this to be a post that was the reflection of some incredible breakthrough, but the truth is that I’m literally going along for God’s ride at this point, and if nothing else, I can honestly say that that has been the most beneficial change in mindset I’ve had up until now.
That’s not to say that I don’t still have a vision of what a happy life looks like or that I haven’t set goals for myself. It’s just that it’s exhausting trying to figure out the answers to questions that maybe aren’t meant to be answered yet.
Picture your season of whatever it is you’re waiting for as a college course. You go to class two times a week. You receive a lecture, projects, etc. from the professor and then midway or at the end of the semester you have exams.
The only thing that matters more than showing up for the exam, is the preparation that goes into, right? If you never read the syllabus, never went to class, never exchanged ideas with fellow classmates, showing up for the exam would almost be a waste of time –short of luck and favor, and trust me, I’ve been the beneficiary of both on many occasions haha
Nonetheless, that concept of the course is the root behind my overall outlook these days. The professor does not consult with the students about the syllabus prior to putting it together. They just do it, and if they decide to make a change to the curriculum there’s a high probability that once again the class will be informed of the change and expected to abide accordingly.
People always say be careful what you ask for, and I think it’s for good reason. What if you got that awesome opportunity, or met that once in a lifetime person prematurely? It creates a bit of a pipe dream, but there might be something to be said about trusting that everything is working together for the good of God’s timing, even if the reality of it may frecken’ suck.
That job, significant other, breakthrough, or whatever, may be the equivalent of the professor standing up in front of everyone the second week of class to announce that you all would be taking the final exam that day. (God forbid. GOD FAHBID! *northeastern mom accent haha)
Anyway, the trigger behind this was my melty, but this post has been brewing for quite sometime. I just wasn’t really ready to talk about it, openly haha The best is yet to come. If you can relate, I’m sending my love your way! Hang in there!