Kids, Teens and a Growing Addiction to Porn

Okay, so this is heavy. I’ve noticed  a recurring theme in the news and it’s heartbreaking. The issue is focusing on the growing epidemic of online porn addiction found in children and teens. By no means am I an expert on this topic, but I would like to share a new TED book,  The Demise of Guys: Why Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It by Philip Zimbardo and  Nikita Duncan, as well as a recent article I read, Jamie is 13 and hasn’t even kissed a girl. But he’s now on the Sex Offender Register after online porn warped his mind…  Please see the excerpt below from The Daily Mail Online:

Jamie was ten years old when he saw his first pornographic sex scene. During a sleepover, a classmate offered to show him ‘some funny pictures’ on his laptop.

‘At first I found it a bit scary and a bit yucky,’ Jamie told me as he shifted uncomfortably on his chair during our therapy session.

‘I didn’t know it was possible for people to do those sort of things — and there were lots of nasty close-ups. But it gave me funny feelings and the pictures started to stick in my head.’

For the next three years, while his parents assumed he was using his computer for his homework, Jamie visited porn websites for up to two hours a night…

Whether you have children, brothers, sisters, cousins, a Mentee, whatever, I strongly believe that this is one of the top issues that needs to be on one’s radar when it comes to children. So many of the issues we see in adults stem from one’s childhood. Our children are our future, and it is our responsibility to be accountable so that they have the most promising future possible.

Please share this post. God only knows how many families have this going on in their very own homes, and they don’t even know it yet.

Pray hard.


Prayers for Deliverance

Praise Jam Hot List 5.7.2012

God is good. Have a great week! -Chelsea

A Closer Walk -Fred Hammond

The Best In Me -Marvin Sapp

I Will Run – Freddy Rodriguez

How He Loves -David Crowder*Band

Moving Forward -Israel Houghton

Does God Promise You a Spouse?

Hey guys!

So I came across this article about a year ago and it really struck a chord with me. I realized that as I’ve grown up, I’ve created a set of norms that I assume will be automatically be reflected in my adult life. As opposed to the How to Recognize Your King piece, which leaves one ready to take on the world, Does God Promise You a Spouse, left me with a radically different sentiment. I had no choice but to evaluate things I had never considered, and this article has definitely broadened my horizon on how I perceive love and marriage. Let me know your thoughts!


Does God Promise You a Spouse?

Written by Rob Eagar

Do wonder if God has heard your prayers? Learn what to do when God is silent with this interactive study.

Jennifer was a disgruntled, single woman at my church. She was thirty-six years old and complained that her life was slipping away. Six years had passed since her last boyfriend, and her dating life remained in limbo. Jennifer wondered whether her heart still had the capacity to love. Beneath her jaded disposition festered an undercurrent of resentment toward God.

After attending church regularly for over two years, she suddenly disappeared. Three months later, I bumped into her at a restaurant and asked her whether she had moved to another church. She replied, “No, I’ve quit church altogether. I just can’t bring myself to worship a God who would leave me in such loneliness.” Jennifer concluded that if she was ever going to let God back into her life, He’d better bring her a husband—and fast.

Video: Affair-proof marriage
Move forward in your marriage: Learn from our Life Lessons

Does God promise us a spouse? The Bible says “yes” by describing Christians as the spiritual bride of Christ. Our true spouse is Jesus. Yet, many of us say, “I’m glad to be spiritually married to Christ, but I can’t feel Him. Wouldn’t it be better if I could enjoy God’s love with someone else? I want Jesus with skin on.” So, we pray for God to bring us an earthly mate. 
The gripe for love

My search for a spouse turned into a cycle of frustration as I encountered numerous relational struggles and a wife who abandoned me six months into our marriage. I started to wonder if God actually cared about my romantic relationships. Whenever I felt particularly upset about being single, I would sit in my den recliner and gripe to God about the injustice of my social life. Knowing He possessed omnipotent power made it seem logical to expect a wife from Him.

Whenever I demanded that God rush me a spouse, however, He seemed to whisper this question in my heart, “Rob, is the love of Jesus Christ enough for you? Have you allowed My complete forgiveness and unconditional acceptance to satisfy your heart?”

In tears of resignation, I conceded, “I appreciate Your love, Lord, but all I really want is a wife.” I still believed that my heart needed the affection of a person in order to feel complete. In essence, I valued human love more than God’s love.

One day, I began to look back over my life and the numerous dead-end relationships from my past. In each situation, romance had started out with a bang but fizzled under the weight of performance-based love. No matter who I met, either I was too demanding or she couldn’t accept me for who I was.

Suddenly, something clicked within my mind. I thought, “Why am I chasing marriage when it cannot provide the unconditional love that my heart craves? Only Christ offers everything I need.” With this new perspective, I relinquished to God my demand to get married. I still wanted to find a spouse someday, but I no longer considered marriage necessary to complete my life. If I remained single for the rest of my life, that was okay—God promised to fulfill my heart.

When we demand that God bring us a mate, we block His love from enhancing our social life. The anger that we harbor builds a wall between us and Him. If we are honest with ourselves, we realize that our demand for marriage is a refusal of God’s love because we want our selfish desires met. God will never stop loving us, but we ignore Him when we desperately seek a human being to make us happy. Furthermore, whatever we depend upon for our happiness will wind up controlling us. If we believe that we need a human spouse to be satisfied, then people, rather than God, will dictate our lives.

God is in control of everything, but He does not intervene just to make our lives easy. He had no intention of making a woman ma

The freedom to love
gically appear and fall in love with me. Instead, God wanted to use His power to mature me into someone who would initiate sacrificial love towards other people. I wanted to get love, while God was teaching me to give love.

Likewise, God is working in your life to help you meet and love other people. However, you make the final choice as to whom you accept and whom you reject. When you interact with another person, you have the freedom to decide which direction your relationship will take. You can choose to become romantic, just be friends, or end your time together and separate. In addition, the other person has a decision in the matter, which means he can influence the outcome. Consequently, a relationship will not develop unless both of you decide to love each other. On the other hand, if you or the other person make selfish decisions, your relationship may crumble.

The desire for marriage is a fair request, but the consequences of living in a fallen world can prevent people from reaching that goal. For instance, you can pursue someone romantically, but that individual may choose to ignore you, a crisis or illness could hinder you, or that person may decide to leave you. The sins

of humanity create numerous barriers to good relationships.

Yet, why is life so hard sometimes? Why doesn’t God use His power to protect us from pain? Actually, God is at work, but in a different way than some of us realize.

God uses His sovereign power to encourage people to love each other, but He also allows us to make selfish choices that can tear us apart. God permits calamity so that we can experience His greatest gift – a free will. Without free will, you and I would be robots or lifeless, stuffed animals. Fortunately, God limits His power to let us make our own choices in life. Does your free will nullify God’s omnipotence? No, as Psalm 37:23 says, “The steps of a man are established by the Lord.” God is so powerful that He can allow you to choose and still work the outcome for His glory.

Why is free will so important? God wants you to enjoy true love, and true love cannot exist without a choice. If you were forced to love God or another person, then love would disappear, and you would be under manipulation. Free will is the key ingredient to true love.

I recognized the importance of this truth when I couldn’t get a date for my junior high school prom. I had asked several girls, but they all turned me down. Four days before the big dance, however, a friend told me about a girl, named Tiffany, who needed a date. Frankly, I wasn’t attracted to her, but I asked her anyway, because she was my only option.
Therefore, finding an earthly spouse will not occur through demanding God to miraculously bring someone to your doorstep. Marriage is not a predetermined process that happens mysteriously. You will get frustrated if you believe that God During the prom, Tiffany and I attempted to be cordial, but it became obvious that neither of us had an interest in each other. We didn’t talk during dinner, we didn’t want to dance as the band played, and we didn’t smile as our pictures were taken. Most of the evening, we sat in silence and stared dreamily at the students whom we really liked. Through that ordeal, I learned that love cannot exist unless both parties freely choose to be together. You will get frustrated if you believe that God mystically pairs people together. If God predetermines marriage, then why doesn’t He stop divorce? Instead, God lets us make the decision to love or the decision to leave.

The choice to love

God brings people across your path and encourages you to love them, but He lets you manage your relational responses. Thus, marriage revolves around deliberately making choices to love another person. You can improve your opportunities for romance by getting out and choosing to sacrificially love people. Or, you can opt for selfish or reclusive behavior and diminish your relational prospects. The quality of your social

Does God promise you a spouse? Yes, as the bride of Jesus Christ. Does God promise you an earthly spouse? No, because finding a husband is a process, in which two people decide to sacrifice themselves for each other’s benefit. So, don’t let the goal of earthly marriage control your life. Otherwise, you will become miserable, because you cannot control the future or free will of other hinges on the choices you make.

God wants your spiritual marriage to be your heart’s primary source of love and acceptance. Earthly relationships are the avenues to express His love to others. The more you love other people, the more you increase opportunities for an intimate relationship to develop. God may not orchestrate a passionate romance on earth, but He promises a life of passion to enjoy with Him.


Use the following questions to consider if your desire for marriage has become a demand:

  • Am I dating to find someone who can make me feel better about myself?
  • Can I feel content and thankful to God in my singleness?
  • Am I cynical about relationships with the opposite sex?
  • Am I afraid of the possibility of never getting married?
  • Is the love of Jesus Christ enough for me?

If your desire for marriage has turned into a demand, find encouragement by meditating on these verses: Philippians 4:6-13; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10.

Never give up, never give in

My mom has always been the most wonderful example of how to walk with God. In light of the tough year that we’ve been through, she shared a devotional that she recently sent to the boys with me. I know how much I needed to hear this, and I am so grateful that she is willing to share it with our readers. Enjoy. -Chelsea
    The past few months, for lack of a better word, have been “challenging”.  We have been tried and tested. We have suffered personal loss and roadblock after roadblock has been thrown in our paths.  We have been disappointed, heartbroken and frustrated.  We may have even questioned where was God during all of this?
Our ways are not God’s ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.  The plans and pathways that we select for our lives may not be the ones that He chooses, but does that make Him any less God?  Isn’t the God we serve today the same God that parted the Red Sea and the River Jordan?  Isn’t He the same God that can turn water into wine, cause the blind to see, cause the deaf to hear and raise the dead?  So what makes us think that He can’t or won’t turn our situation, circumstances, conditions around?
Remember the story of Joseph?  Joseph was his father’s favorite.  So much so that his father had a special coat made just for him.  He was probably spoiled rotten and a little full of himself; I mean why else would he brag to everyone about those dreams that he dreamed?  If God would have given Him  “the promise” while he was still immature and self-absorbed, who knows how his story would have turned out?  Sometimes God has to take us through some things to work some things out of us.  He had to “break” Joseph and teach him patience and humility.  Someone who was sold into slavery, thrown into prison, lied on and forgotten, ended up being the most powerful person in the land.  What his brothers did to him was horrible and unforgivable, but what they meant for evil, God turned it around for good. (Genesis 50: 19-20)  Joseph had been so broken and humbled by his experiences that instead of having his brothers killed or thrown into prison when they came to him for help (of course they didn’t recognize him) he cried so loudly and deeply that he could be heard throughout the grounds.
Remember our circumstances don’t determine our outcomes.  We walk by faith, not by sight.  God has a plan and an outcome for all of our lives.  No one and nothing can change or stop what He has planned for us.  No matter how bleak things appear,  No matter how many hurdles we have to jump over, crosses we have to bear, hoops we have to jump through, walls we have to tear down, God is still on the throne and still in control.  He is fully aware of every tear, every obstacle, every pain and He will never leave us or forsake us.  He is actually closest to us when we’re heartbroken; just like a loving parent would be closest to a child during a crisis.  We have to grow, change, mature, learn patience and humility in order to be “soldiers” for Him.  How I live for the day when we are all “fearless”.  The day when we are not anxious about ANYTHING!  The day when we are so confident and comfortable in the peace and joy of the Lord that nothing can shake us.  One of the most encouraging scriptures to lean on when going through one of life’s many storms is:  “AND WE KNOW THAT ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THOSE WHO LOVE GOD, TO THOSE WHO ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE”.  All things means good stuff and painful stuff. The things that break our hearts and the things that bring us to our knees are working together with all our other stuff for good.
We must press on to the prize.  Never give up, never give in.  Speak (out loud) blessings into the atmosphere over our lives.  Praise through tears.  Ask God to cover any specific needs you have.  Remember you have not because you ask not.  Do not allow the enemy to do anything to cause you to miss your blessing. He wil try ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to throw you off track.  He will get into your head and try to convince you that you are wasting your time working so hard–nothing good will come out it.  He will surround you with negative people who will try to destroy your hopes and dreams and kill your visions.  He will make you sick or injure you and have you question your future.  Stand on, lean on, hold on to the promises of God.  Re-read some of the previous devotionals that I sent you.  The more time you spend with the Lord (praying) and the more time you spend in His Word (reading), the more intimate your relationship  will become and the more you will trust and depend on Him.  Remember, God is pursuing a plan for our lives that is far beyond our limited ability to comprehend.
Trust Him and rest in Him today and everyday.   I love you so very, very much.    Mom

Today, we lost our grandmother Coffey.

Roller and coaster are the only two words I have to try to describe the last year. God has blessed us over and abundantly, and yet we have taken a few substantial blows this year… I understand that life doesn’t always make sense and some days are going to be bad days and others good, but at this point it is simply time for a new season. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says that “To everything there is a season, a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to be born,  a time to die, a time  to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal, a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance”

As a family, we have no choice but to stand and believe that this time will prove to be a testament of our faith. Yes, I can hope that all of this is leading to a really big blessing somewhere along the way; however, the reality for us is that we now have a mother who lost her mother less than a year ago and a father who just lost the mother he adored.

For anyone sorting through the emotions of losing a loved one, cling to God and your faith and allow Him be your support system. He is bigger than even the greatest pain, and His love is more than we could ever imagine.

Verses to carry you through:

Psalms 31:9 Oh Lord have mercy on me in my anguish. My eyes are red from weeping; my health is broken from sorrow.

Proverbs 3:6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble.

Psalms 147:3 He heals the broken heartened, binding up their wounds.

Jeremiah 31:13 I will turn their mourning into gladness. I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.

John 14:27 I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give is not fragile like the peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled or afraid.

My humble advice is to take the time you need to mourn and then channel that energy into something positive. Claim control over your emotions and your circumstances and do something incredible! Volunteer in your community, create a charity, open the bakery you always wanted, start saving, set goals and take that trip to Greece. Life is precious and God is good, so go! You can do it.

Standing and believing,


In loving memory of Emma Jean Coffey: July 20, 1933 – April 12, 2012