Say It Loud

Hey guys!

A few week’s ago we had the pleasure of hosting one of the most beautiful displays of love I’ve seen to this day, a bridal shower for my dear friend Raisa and her fiance, Chris. In the midst of everything going on, I looked up and realized we had a house full of fabulous naturalistas. Wearing one’s hair in it’s natural state, which by definition to me is simply not having a relaxer, is about more than just looks. It’s a reflection of embracing one’s natural design whether that be in the form of an afro, twistout, blowout, protective style, the list goes on. What matters most is that for a people who have been told that they’re not enough for the longest, expressions of self-love and acceptance are totally worth celebrating.

Whenever something gets under my skin, the following quote comes to mind, be the change you want to see in this world, and one day it hit me like a ton of bricks. Why should I continue to allow myself to be disappointed by the media for it’s lack of appreciation for the full scope of black beauty, culture, and narratives? –Think solution, not problem. I have a voice, and I have a platform. Do something about it.

Join me in celebrating these queens for their instrumental roles in leading the way for a generation that needs to be consistently encouraged and reminded that they are more than enough. Say it loud! Enjoy!

Peace, Love & Sunshine  ~Chels


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Brittany, Natural Hair
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Lois, Natural Hair
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Raisa, Natural Hair
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Jazmyn, Natural Hair
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Shameika, Natural Hair
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Natural Hair
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Natural Hair
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Hali, Natural Hair
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Monica, Natural Hair
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Brittany, Natural Hair
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Vanessa, Natural Hair
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Courtney, Natural Hair