Coffey Break Chat: 3 Non-Negotiables with Meagan Elyce


Hey guys!
Today I had the pleasure of sitting down with my dear friend and life&style blogger, Meagan Elyce. Over the course of our discussion we couldn’t help but notice that some conversations are too good to keep to ourselves… It was a juicy one indeed 😉
Join us below as she shares her 3 non-negotiables for selecting a future mate!

Need a recap? Here’s a refresher of Meg’s Top 3!
  • God Fearing– I want my partner to love God and establish Him as the head of our household. I want my partner to be a praying man that will pray over our family and feed the word of God into us daily.
  • Family Oriented– I want my partner to be a family man. I want family to be an important factor in his life and I want him to value the relationships he has with them-especially immediate family members like mother/father, brother/sister. Also, could this person be a great father to my future children?
  • Financial & Emotional Stability -It is imperative that my partner be stable in both these areas so that he can help to provide that for our relationship. I want him to not only know that value of a dollar, but know why it is important to save and invest for the future for our family (and actively save and invest) so that we aren’t always looking to keep our heads above water. Emotional stability is important because I want my partner to be there to provide support and love when I may have emotionally checked out and I need that extra love and attention to get me back to where I need to be.
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Thanks so much for joining us! 
Peace, Love & Sunshine -Chelsea 

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