The Moments That Freeze You In Time: Union Station
These train stations 💕 You know that feeling when you’re about to flip, and you catch yourself because you’re like, hold on wait, this is a trap. Something good is about to come of this 😅 Please, let something good come of this haha
The cherry on top of yesterday’s craziness was that I had not just one, but two, @uber drivers, cancel my rides. After a 5 hour ride from NYC, the last thing you want is to spend another hour in the side of the road, in an unfamiliar city, trying to explain your location to someone who doesn’t speak English well. I could feel myself getting more and more mad. Like I was maxing out. I had all these bags, and in that movement, I thanked God for Christopher Ballew.
A few weeks back, he planted a seed that has stayed with me through every step of this clumsy transition –Embrace The Detour. I remembered his advice about 20 seconds before entering into the main concourse… Guys, Union Station is beautiful, like amazingly beautiful, and in that moment, I could literally feel all the tension leave my shoulders. I was like this is it. This is why. I was so hellbent on getting into a car and making it to my destination that I would have missed out on this moment. I call them the moments that freeze you in time. Some are the feel good kind. Some hurt like crazy. But nonetheless, they slow you down just long enough to be fully present. Take it all in. And feel everything that’s happening in such a dreamy way.
I’ve been using The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson as my devotional for years now, and his stories of how God has opened door after door have been such an inspiration.
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For years now, I’ve created this mental image of what Union Station looked like, and in retrospect, if either of those first two rides had worked out picking me up from the parking garage, I would have missed out on that reminder of God’s awesome faithfulness to Mark, and the simple truth that He makes no mistakes. He’s in our corner working it out, even when if it doesn’t seem like it.
This move has not been an easy one. It’s been wonderful, but it hasn’t been easy. It has actually been a huge challenge and an even bigger test of my faith, resiliency, and ability to commit to believing in the vision I see for myself day in and day out.
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Sometimes, we’re moving too fast to have a chance to take it all in. Build a life you’ll love, yes, but the key is remembering to actually enjoy it. The funniest part about it all (not haha funny) was that I had the opportunity to pass on job search advice to my driver who was a recent grad and had just immigrated here from Cuba.
*I also told him that if he really is tired of the cold, is looking for warm and friendly people, and good food, Houston’s the move. You don’t have to be miserable and in despair. Control what you can. It’s so interesting how the feeling of being stuck can convince us that there aren’t any other options.
Trust the timing of your life. I’m seeing more and more that so much of what happens “to us” is more about how God is going to use us. The journey is just as beautiful as the destination. Happy Saturday guys ✌🏿️😋 Xoxo -Chels