The Coffey Shop

Banner The Coffey Shop Chelsea Coffey
Hi there,
Welcome to The Coffey Shop! The Coffey Shop is a beautiful reflection of what can come from someone taking the time to believe in you, and it’s so special to be able to share this part of our journey with you all.
I was first introduced to Zoe, a longtime style icon in the Houston community, through a friend who asked me to style her for her 21st birthday party. Next thing I know, we’re entering this fabulous urban chic boutique on the 8th floor of a semi high-rise overlooking all of downtown Houston. It was so surreal because that space is still probably on of the coolest places I’ve ever come across in Houston. As we entered the room, we were greeted by this fabulous woman, Zoe Jackson-Jarra, and she has been a mentor of mine since that day 6 years ago.
Always looking out for the ones she loves, Zoe sat me and that same friend down about a year ago to present the idea of selecting pieces from her boutique, Fashion Plate, and host an online store. A year later I couldn’t be happier to announce that The Coffey Shop is here! I have selected one of a kind pieces from Zoe’s awesome assortment of fashion finds for stylish shoppers who are on the never ending hunt to find that special something without breaking the bank!
View currently listed items here! I hope you’ll swoon over this unique collection just as I have all these years. Enjoy!
Warmest regards, Chelsea Coffey

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