Why are you stressing? Making the most of Malta

Everyday we come across people. Some we simply pass by. Others we feel drawn to and greet with a smile and a hello. And then there are those that we say to ourselves, “I wonder what they’re like. I’m going to get to know them. *Smirk face + painting my nails emoji”

The first time I remember seeing my dear friend, Christopher Ballew, he was running up on stage at Hope City with the  most perfect 70’s style wing bangs bouncing majestically (I kid you not) with his every move. The next time I saw him he just so happened to be at a team meeting for church. I walked in, and in my mind I was like, “Ohhhmygash! The guy with the fab hair is here!”

My cornerstone indicator for any potential friendship is whether or not I catch myself with a little smirk on my face from laughing at what the person said. By the time we had our first fall-out laughing sesh I knew it was a done deal. Humor wins me over every. single. time. 

The only thing more beautiful than a funny friend who totally vibes with you, is a friend who encourages you to trust God and helps you grow spiritually. Fun times aside, this awesome friend of mine has been such a constant reminder of God’s faithfulness during this time of transition. I recently moved to New York to job search, and boi I tell ya –Let’s save that for later… That’s a whole other post for another time haha

Anyway, yesterday, he gave me one heck of a pep talk about detours and embracing the journey. One that was so good, I had to share it with you guys. Thank you again Chris for being such a ray of sunshine ❤️ 

See below! Enjoy!

Peace, Love, & Sunshine ~ Chels

Why are you stressing? The Lord has already promised to take care of all of your needs. It’s just a matter of being patient, continuing to trust in him, until you walk into that “fullness of time” moment.

For sure! If we have nothing else, we have his promise! 

I was reading in Acts this week about Paul’s ship wreck on the island of Malta while he was headed to Rome. They ended up stuck on this island for three months. I know that would cost me a great deal of frustration if that was not a planned stop on my journey.

But through this detour, God use Paul to miraculously heal one of the leaders of those people. Which totally impacted that region. By the end of the three months God has provided for them a boat to continue their journey and all the supplies they would need to finish out their trip to Rome

What if that shipwreck wasn’t a detour? What if that was part of gods plan? What if God’s vision was bigger than on arriving safely around? What if his vision involved impacting the island of Malta for his kingdom?

More than ever before, I’m receiving revelation that it’s not about the destination but about the journey. That’s a cliché we use all the time but it’s becoming more and more real to me.

When we have a destination mentality, we continue to live our lives and disappointment because with every change, shift and schedule, detour, we see it as an interruption to what we feel is our destination, whether we feel we have arrived there or not.

But, if we truly have a journeyman mentality and look in every situation in search of Jesus and how he wants to use us in that moment to impact his kingdom, then what we used to see as detours actually become exciting opportunities for adventure and encounters with the Lord.

We end up in places, whether because the Lord has led us there or because he has used an attack of the enemy to bring beauty from ashes, that we never dreamed we would be! And we get to do things and be a part of things, miracles! That we never would have imagined or even thought to pray for.

Because the experience on the island of Malta was not just about impacting those people. But because the guards who were holding all the prisoners on that ship Sompong in action and being used by the Lord, it completely altered and changed his experience in Rome. Where he may have been tortured and his prison experience made worse he was allowed to live alone and enjoy some comforts.

One thing is for sure! God has a handle on all of this way better than we ever could! So, take your hands off of it, release it to the Lord, and just trust that he will get you to Rome. 😃

… And enjoy the journey. LOL

-Christopher Ballew

The last to go…

Jesus Calling Chelsea Coffey The Coffey Break


So true ~ It’s our thoughts… Pastor Jeremy Foster did a series a couple of years ago called Love Sex and Dating, and it was the first time I was introduced to the idea that there’s just some stuff you’ll always have to pray away. Up until that point, I had always assumed/ hoped that if I got close enough to God it would be impossible for things xyz to rear their little heads, but that’s the beauty of this relationship.

Just like any other relationship, you work at it, water it like a garden, take the time examine how things are coming along, celebrate the wins, seek help in times of need… And that’s why I’m finally setting out to push for being more in intentional and in tune with Him. Not the outward kinda way that looks good to friends and fam, but an intimate personal relationship that requires time, dedication and most importantly commitment.

Israel Houghton has a song called Deeper, and the lyrics say something along the lines of ~ God, give us a heart give us your heart give us your heart ~ and break my heart of things that, break Your heart. | I want to see the things He wants me to see, break free of the things He doesn’t want for me, and have the life and peace people are always talking about.

Romans 12:2 says: Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will. That’s literally all I want haha Have a great day you guys! Peace, Love & Sunshine ~ Chels

Let’s connect! IG/Twitter: @TheCoffeyBreak
#pathminded #TheCoffeyBreak

Cooking with the Coffey’s: Episode 4 ~ Surf & Turf

Hey guys!
Join us once a week as I finally buckle down to take on the task of learning how to cook. This week we’re making a seaside surf and turf combo! Thanks for watching! Enjoy 🙂  Peace, Love & Sunshine ~ Chelsea




Coffey Break Chat: 8 Ways To Set Boundaries

Hi guys!
Today’s video is all about boundaries…or the lack thereof haha Although I’m fully convinced of their importance, I still find myself struggling with the best methods to not only identify areas where I need them, but most importantly ways to commit to them once they’ve been identified.
I love the idea of having a support system and accountability partners, but I’m also convinced that people feed off the energy you put out. We might have the best intentions, but without an ongoing commitment, it’s difficult to honor those boundaries, and we definitely shouldn’t expect others to respect our boundaries more than we do.
Having said that, I figured it was definitely time to do a little research on the best place to start with setting boundaries, and here’s what I got!


1. Know What You Want

Make a list of what you want, but don’t have yet, in different areas of your life. Be sure to include work life, home life, relationships, health, finances, spiritual path and any other areas that are important to you.

2. Set standards

Make a list of what you will never tolerate again in your life, and pray what you want into your life. We aren’t in this alone. Be intentional about asking God to literally remove the taste for whatever damaging traits, relationships, habits, etc. that you find yourself dealing with, and that it would be so easy to identify that it literally repels you when you come face to face with it.

Have a escape strategy already put in place. We all know aggressive people, have been in sticky situations, the list goes on… The best defense is being prepared for when those situations arise. 

3. Don’t assume

Your true boundaries may not offend people. A lot of times perception beats reality in our minds. Don’t make things harder than they have to be by assuming. Communication is everything, and it’s really important to manage expectations. I’d rather have an honest moment than a resentful passive aggressive interaction any day.

4. Start small

Establishing boundaries doesn’t mean you have come out kicking the door down. Be okay with starting out with asserting yourself with scenarios that are less intimidating. This will be a great way to build the confidence, and it’s also a great way to see that it’s not the end of the world if you simply can’t do whatever.

5. Be short and confident in your “no.”

When you feel bad or uncertain about saying no, it makes the situation awkward for everyone. People respond to the vibes we send out. Be intentional about the tone you set. Assertiveness is also best in situations like this. If you’re still uncomfortable, the best time to give it a go isn’t in front of the person haha Role play it! Sit down with someone who loves you enough to take the time to do it right and practice until you get it. 

6. Don’t apologize.

This is my new mission: Stop apologizing! You haven’t done anything wrong, and it’s not a bad thing if you’re unavailable. If there’s an opportunity to say yes to another time, offer it and keep it moving.

7. Trust your body.

If something makes your heart start to race, head itch or turn your stomach into knots, you should probably say no to the request. If you feel light and free when considering it, then definitely say yes. Learn how to recognize your own internal signals and find a way to push past the pressure that others put on you.

8. Commit
Commit to your Standards
Commit to your Why

Remember at the end of the day, every time we say no to one thing, we’re saying yes to something else -regardless of whether or not it’s intentional. We’ve been called to live out beautiful purpose filled lives and boundaries help us honor that. 
Feel free to visit here and here for the inspiration behind my list.
Peace, Love & Sunshine ~Chelsea

Coffey Break Chat: 10 Ways To Revamp Your Morning Routine

Hey guys!
So, I’ve finally come to peace with the fact that I’m not an early riser, but that’s not stopping me from getting the hang of it! Join me as I highlight 10 Ways To Revamp Your Morning Routine… and finally become a morning person. It’s not a cure all, but I’ve been doing my research and all of these are helping!
I’m crossing my fingers for you!! Godspeed haha
Peace, Love & Sunshine ~ Chels

Let’s connect!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/chelsea_alexa
Instagram: http://instagram.com/chelsea_alexa