This week I had the pleasure of sitting down with the president of Medley Inc, Ashley Small, to discuss tips on starting a business. Ashley has been an awesome source of inspiration and encouragement for me as a consultant, so I’m pretty pumped to share her words of wisdom with you guys! Feel free to leave comments and question below. Thanks for watching! Enjoy!
This is the second installment of The Coffey Break Chat, and I couldn’t be more inspired by the feedback we got from the last week’s launch on featuringHow to Quiet the Lizard Brainwith Ahrif Sarumi. Thank you so much for all of the sweet comments and words of encouragement.
As we all know, life can be pretty unpredictable, and when things not going your way carry on for what seems to be too long, it’s important to ask yourself, Am I in the Waiting Room? The Waiting Room was a series introduced by Pastor Jeremy this summer at our church, The 429, and it radically changed the way I look at waiting on God to bring me out of a tough season. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that we are simply supposed to “Wait on God”, when in reality that quote should always be paired with action items to make sure we focus on the right things until change happens!
On days when reminding myself that the “best is yet to come”, just isn’t enough, I hold myself to the five principles in this video. Join me, as I discusses how to recognize the signs that you may be on a detour, and five tips on how to make the most out of your waiting room season! Enjoy!
Peace, Love & Sunshine, Chelsea
Video recap: 5 Tips On How To Make The Most Of The Waiting Room
1.Check Your Attitude 2.Get Busy 3.Communicate Your Intentions 4.Create A Vision Board 5.Trust The Process!
*Pardon my editing skills! I’m a still a work in progress haha Step by step right?
Link to The Waiting Room series:
Feel free to make a note in the comments below if you’d like more info on how to get Pastor Tony Evans Detours series.
I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with my good friend and marketer, Ahrif Sarumi, to discuss the concept of the Lizard Brain, and more importantly, how to quiet it! So many of us have goals and dreams that we can’t go a day without thinking about, but we’re just too scared to pursue them. That feeling is no mistake! There is a part of our brain called the amygdala, and it’s job is to provide us with our most primal instincts: fear, hunger and arousal. It drives us to fend off predators and protect ourselves from harm. In theory, it’s a blessing, but the key is learning how to push past it, so that we can take risks and achieve all that God has in store for us!
In our interview, I share my personal struggle with getting past my lizard brain, and why The Coffey Break Chat is such a big part of this process. Take a look below for Ahrif’s three tips on how to overcome being your biggest obstacle! Enjoy!
Is there a dream you’re struggling to achieve? Do you have a personal testimony of how you’ve overcome you personal lizard brain moments? We want to hear from you! Feel free to share in the comments below 🙂
You can check out Ahrif’s Kick Starter Campaign for The Knoble here:
I haven’t done a natural hair care maintenance post in a while, so I wanted to share this wonderful experience with you all!
I washed, conditioned, and blow dried my hair for the first time in forever and set a personal record –under 2 hours! It is my fastest time ever, so I want to walk you guys through my exact steps. Hopefully it will be helpful, especially since this is the best process to prevent breakage!
1. I combed out my hair with a wide tooth comb. As I combed it out, I secontioned the hair and braided it into about 10 plaits.
2. Next, I added shampoo to my scalp and the braids prior to getting in the shower.
3. Once in the shower, I washed my hair while it remained loosely plaited into braids. (Don’t braid the braids too too tight or else it may be difficult to get to the scalp!)
4. After a rinse and another round of shampoo, I added conditioner to my plaits. After letting it sit for the recommended time, I combed out each braid one at a time (conditioner still on) to ensure it was fully detangled –followed by replaiting the braid and moving on to the next one.
5. I then rinsed my hair and wrapped a towel to capture some of the excess water.
6. Then, I lightly sprayed It’s a 10 on my hair and Patene’s Oil CreamMoisturizer lightly on my scalp.
7. Next, I blow dried each plait individually with a wig brush. Blowing drying it sections at a time was the easiest way to prevent any tangling issues.
In just under two hours I was done!!
I have attached a gallery to this post so you guys can walk through the process with me. Enjoy!