Really Love Them…

True Love Chelsea CoffeyReally love them… I’d like to consider myself fairly resilient, but the truth is that I’m sensitive, really sensitive, and after all these years, I’m seeing that there are things that stay with you. Years and years can go by, and yet, there are still those moments when I slip into that hidden vault of whatever offenses, disappointments, hurt feelings, embarrassments tucked away in the recesses of my mind, and sometimes, it’s just enough to trigger a ping reminding me of why those boundaries are there in the first place. It’s ironic, because those same defense mechanisms possibly cheat me out of who knows how many meaningful relationships and experiences..Thankfully, life is a filter. So regardless, I couldn’t be more thankful to the ones who continue to break down those walls and show me how to connect, commit and trust the beauty of relationships. Vulnerability is a powerful thing… Ya, the risk might be higher, but the same can be said for the reward.
Have a great day you guys! Peace, Love & Sunshine ~ Chels

Coffey Break Chat || The Spirit of Offense, Baggage & New Beginnings

Hey guys!
So, today is extra special because it is New Year’s Eve!! As I prepare for the future of my business endeavors, I realize that it is just as important to be preparing myself mentally and clean house both spiritually and emotionally going into 2015.
To say the least, I’m a little sensitive. Okay okay, more like a lot, and I’m okay with that. The key is that I’ve recognized that my little feeling get hurt easily, it’s no good to be aware of trait without being proactive about how to manage it. Some call it sensitivity, some call it a spirit, but all I know is that there are a lot people are walking around carrying the offenses of what others have done to them.
These last two years have shared a few highs and some of the lowest lows, so I really wanted to dig internally to run a scan to check for any old emotional baggage, and get rid of that chit! It’s a new season and God is moving. Join me as I walk through how I’m pushing past the spirit of offense and to live my best life. Wishing you all the best in this new year! Enjoy!
Peace, Love & Sunshine ~Chelsea 


Coffey Break Chat: It Gets Better

Hey guys!
Life has been crazy over the last year or so, and I couldn’t be more excited to share a pretty amazing praise report –I got a job!!! An amazing job!! haha
This week I share a video interview I did with my good friend, and Macy’s Personal Shopper –Erika Garcia, from two months ago. In the video, she shares her inspirational story and reflects on the significance of humbling yourself. God calls us into different seasons and sometimes the biggest battle is being ready and willing to pursue excellence in even the most difficult of circumstances. Attitude really is everything! 
Feel free to leave comments and questions below. Thanks again for watching! Enjoy!
Peace, Love & Sunshine -Chelsea
Let’s connect!



Coffey Break Chat: Discovering Your Purpose with Team Gini

Hey guys!
Thanks for joining us for our Coffey Break Chat with Jeff and Tobe of the nonprofit Team Gini. In Part 1, Tobe and Jeff share the inspiring story behind the creation of Team Gini and Discovering Your Purpose. Part 2 highlights Team Gini’s advice to start moving toward your purpose.
3 Tips to Start Moving:
-Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Most important need of humanity is to become in actuality what you are in potentiality

-Macro view: meaning of life
  Micro view: mundane steps toward the macro

-Calling Description:
Utilizing you’re strengths in your greatest service to the world

Feel free to leave comments and questions below. Thanks again for watching! Enjoy!
Peace, Love and Sunshine -Chelsea




We want to connect with you!

Coffey Break Chat: The Bridge Job, Work-Life Balance & Setting Boundaries w/ Ashley Small

Hey guys!
Thanks for joining us for parts 3 and 4 of the How to Start a Business Series with the president of Medley Inc, Ashley Small. In part 3 we discuss the importance of a bridge job, work-life balance and setting boundaries, and part 4 is a recap of Ashley’s top 5 tips to starting a business. Ashley has been an awesome source of inspiration and encouragement for me as a consultant, so I’m pretty pumped to share her words of wisdom with you guys! Feel free to leave comments and question below. Thanks for watching! Enjoy!





Top 5 Recap:
1. Have lots of mentors
2. Trust your instincts
3. Know your strengths and weaknesses
4.Meet the demand
5. The 10 10 10 Strategy -Think about the impact of your decisions!
See ya next week! Peace, Love and Sunshine -Chelsea
We want to connect with you!
@ashleysmall (Twitter @ashleyrsmall)