Coffey Break Chat: Why Hire An Image Consultant?

Fredis Benitez Honeymoon Cafe Houston The Coffey Break

Hey guys!

I’m noticing a pattern, so I take it as a sign to write and vlog about it. More and more often, I’m having conversations with friends, potential clients, and everyone in between about my personal style, and more often than not, if hiring an image consultant is a good investment.

The quick answer is simple. Curating your personal style doesn’t have to be a burden, and more importantly, we all have a few areas where we could use a helping hand from time to time.

Whether you’re looking to do a wardrobe overhaul, receive inspiration, or a few tweaks to your closet here and there; I’ve got you covered.

Still need a little more convincing? I sat down to walk you guys through 5 totally legit reasons to consider hiring (me) an image consultant:

5 Reasons To Hire An Image Consultant:

  1. Our physical appearance is our most immediate, nonverbal, form of communication
  2. Your vibe attracts your tribe –Feeling self-conscious about what you have on on creates self-doubt and that chit is contagious. The last thing you want to do is channel a vibe inconsistent with the connection or impression you want to make.
  3. One less distraction! There are a million and one different things going through our minds in an interview, first date, networking event, meeting mom, and so on. Why wonder about if you’re wearing the appropriate attire if you don’t have to? Stop leaving it up to chance, and get your wardrobe in order, so you can be present in whatever situation you’re in.
  4. We don’t have to be good at everything. Be okay with that.
  5. Tighten the margin for error: I hate to say this, but we live in a visual society. Increase your threshold of opportunity, by attracting the people you want to connect with. Sloppy, unkept appearances are a distraction. Don’t let your physical appearance distract anyone from the good within. There are a ton of things that are out of our control, but we can put our best foot forward to reflect the greatest version of ourselves.

Gotcha thinkin’? Let’s schedule a Coffey Break to uncover the best place to get started with your personal image over at Your first consultation is on me 😉
Peace, Love & Sunshine, Chelsea



Oprah said… #lotn 3.11.16

Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life. Envision your spirituality, your family, your friends, your work, love, everything. You become what you believe. And when that’s too daunting of a task, because it can be overwhelming at times, trust me, stop time to reflect on the words poured into you by the ones who love you most. The life they’ve spoken into you, the gifts they’ve shared that they see in you, the things they’re believing God for you. None of that is happenstance. They see it because you’ve got it. Continue to surround yourself with the best, and if you don’t have them, find them. You never know how God is going to use the people in your life to simply blow you away. Yesterday was one of those super sappy, 😪 thank you Jesus, it’s all coming together kind of days. Sometimes you just have to wait, and wait, and wait. Trust the process 🙏🏾❤️ Xoxo -Chels

*This was originally supposed to be a #lotn post, but there’s just too much to be thankful for not to share. God is good guys.

#PathMinded #TheCoffeyBreak

Coffey Break Chat: Protecting Your Peace

Hey guys!

In this week’s Coffey Break Chat, I’m discussing a concept I live, eat and breathe by: Protecting Your Peace.

We’re constantly confronted with situations and circumstances that have the potential threaten our inner peace, and I’ve come to a place where I feel like all I can do at the end of the day is set the tone, and be as best prepared as possible to confront those situations.

Join me as I share tips on how to protect your peace. Enjoy!

Peace, Love & Sunshine ~Chelsea

Let’s connect?


Really Love Them…

True Love Chelsea CoffeyReally love them… I’d like to consider myself fairly resilient, but the truth is that I’m sensitive, really sensitive, and after all these years, I’m seeing that there are things that stay with you. Years and years can go by, and yet, there are still those moments when I slip into that hidden vault of whatever offenses, disappointments, hurt feelings, embarrassments tucked away in the recesses of my mind, and sometimes, it’s just enough to trigger a ping reminding me of why those boundaries are there in the first place. It’s ironic, because those same defense mechanisms possibly cheat me out of who knows how many meaningful relationships and experiences..Thankfully, life is a filter. So regardless, I couldn’t be more thankful to the ones who continue to break down those walls and show me how to connect, commit and trust the beauty of relationships. Vulnerability is a powerful thing… Ya, the risk might be higher, but the same can be said for the reward.
Have a great day you guys! Peace, Love & Sunshine ~ Chels

Praying For Discernment

Jesus Calling Chelsea Coffey

Man.. The timing of this devotional is perfect. I can’t even tell you guys how much time I’ve spent trying to get this whole hearing the voice of God thing down… Jesus Calling is one of my daily devotionals, and I love it –But I really want to feel like I’m in sync with where God wants me to be. So, I’ve been reading an awesome, awesome book on prayer called the The Ultimate Conversation. I just got back into the groove of meditating, like actually devoting time each morning before I get started with everything else to quiet the world around me and hear whatever it is God is trying to say. The trickiest part for me, has always been discerning his voice from all the other thoughts flying through my mind. I once heard someone say that we need to be intentional in our efforts to discern between the voice of God and our subconscious will. Those things that you want, but maybe aren’t talking about