It’s time for a change 

This year I did things a little differently. I planted written reminders of my vision for my life and words of encouragement all around my room and in my devotionals. The beauty of vision is that it creates a filter, so whether I come across one of these intentionally or it slips out of my Jesus Calling like this one, I have a reminder right there in front of me of my vision for this year and beyond. Each time I come across one, it serves as a checkpoint for me to ask myself, what’s working? What’s not working? Is there something I can do differently? It also allows me to recognize when it’s time to switch things up and/or try something new all together. If we change when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of changing, it’s imperative to recognize that pain, angst, or whatever you want to call it, and create opportunities to win. So many battles start in the heart and mind, and I choose to believe that we can position ourselves to welcome a beautiful shift once our minds can convince our hearts of the fullness we have in store in each and every area: our careers, our families, love, all of it. Chase the vision. It’s wonderfully beautifully ours for the taking.Happy Thursday guys! Xoxo-Chels 💋




#PathMinded #TheCoffeyBreak


Coffey Break Chat: How to find the work you were meant to do


Mini Melty’s are always a good kick in the butt. Thank God for those emails Marie Forleo sends all the time. I searched her name and scrolled and scrolled until I found the subject line I needed to see –How to find the work you were meant to do.

God has this beautiful way of giving us what we need when we need it most and revealing it just in the nick of time.

Join me for this week’s Coffey Break Chat as I share where I’m at with my own journey to discovering what I’m meant to do and personal reflection on hanging in there!

Hope this will be a blessing to you guys. Praying for any and everyone out there who can relate.

Peace, Love & Sunshine, Chelsea

Let’s connect!
Twitter/Instagram @thecoffeybreak


The Story Behind My Nonprofit, Mia’s Closet ❤

Hey guys!!

Happy Friday!

I don’t have any other way to say it… 5 years!! 5 years!! What a beautiful run. Thank you for joining me as I share our story behind my 501(c)3 nonprofit, Mia’s Closet. I can’t believe I’ve never sat down to share this journey for The Coffey Break, and it finally occurred to me haha We’ve got a celebration on the way! Check out the video below. What a ride :’-) Enjoy!

CBC Avatar The Story Behind Mia's Closet Chelsea Coffey

For the past five years, Mia’s Closet has been deeply invested in instilling confidence in underserved kids k-12.

We will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary Friday, May 20th from 8-11pm at 4104 Fannin St., Houston, TX. ❤

anniversary ticket

Come in your best formalwear + cocktail attire, and be prepared to dance, mingle, and have a great time! Music, food and drinks will be available, and proceeds from ticket sales go to continuing the Mia’s Closet mission. You can learn more about it here. This is the birthday party you won’t want to miss!

Want to learn more about Mia’s Closet? Visit us at + donate here:

Mia’s Closet: Building confidence and self-worth in kids k-12, one outfit at a time.

Let’s Connect!

Instagram @miascloset
Facebook Mia’s Closet 
Twitter @miascloset_hou

Everything Else Is Secondary

Chelsea Coffey Fashion Blogger Steve Jobs Houston


Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. -Steve Jobs

^Fredis and my’s conversation from yesterday in a nutshell. There’s something so beautiful about the realization that you’ve totally lost track of the, “Oh my gosh! I feel the exact same, way!!” moments.

Book @fredis_b. He’s a magician with the camera Xoxo -Chels
#StyleDiaries #TheCoffeyBreak

Oprah said… #lotn 3.11.16

Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life. Envision your spirituality, your family, your friends, your work, love, everything. You become what you believe. And when that’s too daunting of a task, because it can be overwhelming at times, trust me, stop time to reflect on the words poured into you by the ones who love you most. The life they’ve spoken into you, the gifts they’ve shared that they see in you, the things they’re believing God for you. None of that is happenstance. They see it because you’ve got it. Continue to surround yourself with the best, and if you don’t have them, find them. You never know how God is going to use the people in your life to simply blow you away. Yesterday was one of those super sappy, 😪 thank you Jesus, it’s all coming together kind of days. Sometimes you just have to wait, and wait, and wait. Trust the process 🙏🏾❤️ Xoxo -Chels

*This was originally supposed to be a #lotn post, but there’s just too much to be thankful for not to share. God is good guys.

#PathMinded #TheCoffeyBreak