Coffey Break Chat: It Gets Better

Hey guys!
Life has been crazy over the last year or so, and I couldn’t be more excited to share a pretty amazing praise report –I got a job!!! An amazing job!! haha
This week I share a video interview I did with my good friend, and Macy’s Personal Shopper –Erika Garcia, from two months ago. In the video, she shares her inspirational story and reflects on the significance of humbling yourself. God calls us into different seasons and sometimes the biggest battle is being ready and willing to pursue excellence in even the most difficult of circumstances. Attitude really is everything! 
Feel free to leave comments and questions below. Thanks again for watching! Enjoy!
Peace, Love & Sunshine -Chelsea
Let’s connect!



Coffey Break Chat: Discovering Your Purpose with Team Gini

Hey guys!
Thanks for joining us for our Coffey Break Chat with Jeff and Tobe of the nonprofit Team Gini. In Part 1, Tobe and Jeff share the inspiring story behind the creation of Team Gini and Discovering Your Purpose. Part 2 highlights Team Gini’s advice to start moving toward your purpose.
3 Tips to Start Moving:
-Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Most important need of humanity is to become in actuality what you are in potentiality

-Macro view: meaning of life
  Micro view: mundane steps toward the macro

-Calling Description:
Utilizing you’re strengths in your greatest service to the world

Feel free to leave comments and questions below. Thanks again for watching! Enjoy!
Peace, Love and Sunshine -Chelsea




We want to connect with you!

LOOK OF THE DAY 9.27.2013

Monday, September 30, 2013

Sunset1 Chelsea Coffey LOTD 9.27.13 2 Chelsea Coffey LOTD 9.27.13 3 Chelsea Coffey LOTD 9.27.13 4 Chelsea Coffey LOTD 9.27.13

God has a special way of delivering us out of situations. Last week I finally had the opportunity to go to another one of my church’s connect groups. Our most recent series at church was called Simplify. We had just come out of an absolutely life changing  series called Love, Sex and Dating.  It challenged me to look at myself and relationships in a completely new way and revolutionized my level of dedication to committing to a track that would best position me to show the Lord how dedicated I am to walking in His will –annnd hopefully meet an amazing man who would become my husband some day haha

That night, I was pleasantly surprised when we started talking about King David’s relationship with God. King David’s story is one of my all time favorites, but his life is also one of the most dramatic  tales. To say the least,  I was curious to see how King David would fit into the idea of simplifying. Within no time it was all very clear. Our group leader did a fantastic job of conveying how God’s grace is a gift. He then went on to share specific examples of how we can’t earn grace through works. I especially appreciated the mention that so many of our relationships are works based. “She did this for me, so I should probably go ahead and do this for her.” “He came to this, so I should make sure I make it to that.” I could give a million examples of times those situations come up, and I am so grateful that I was able to receive that message because it made me question if that was an underlying expectation in my heart when it came to my relationships.

For me, it was the perfect compliment to the Love, Sex and Dating series. I took a note of the following quote: Whatever your strongest relationship is, so is your identity.  As a Christian, I have set up parameters when dating to do my best to avoid any relationship from ever creating a disconnect with those closest to me –most significantly, my relationship with God. Faithfully, this is where I believe grace comes in. God has a panoramic view of our lives and I passionately believe that He answers prayer. So He hears my countless prayers as I ask Him to guide my path, bless my future husband, prepare my future husband for greatness, show us favor, etc. As I sit here going through the motions of embarking on a fresh start, I consider it such a blessing that my faith is anchored in Him and not man. God doesn’t get confused in His emotions, He isn’t torn about His intentions towards us and most importantly He is who He says He is.

If there’s ever been a time for me to be grateful for the aforementioned quote it’s now.  Even when my wonderful amazing husband comes along, I have to stand on the unwavering foundation that my identity rests in God’s eternal faithfulness.  The song below is one of my all time favorite praise songs, and literally exemplifies my continual desire to grow closer to Him.

I hope this is encouraging to whoever reads this. Have a great week!

Peace, Love & Sunshine -Chelsea

Song of the Day: A Closer Walk – Fred Hammond
