Oprah said… #lotn 3.11.16

Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life. Envision your spirituality, your family, your friends, your work, love, everything. You become what you believe. And when that’s too daunting of a task, because it can be overwhelming at times, trust me, stop time to reflect on the words poured into you by the ones who love you most. The life they’ve spoken into you, the gifts they’ve shared that they see in you, the things they’re believing God for you. None of that is happenstance. They see it because you’ve got it. Continue to surround yourself with the best, and if you don’t have them, find them. You never know how God is going to use the people in your life to simply blow you away. Yesterday was one of those super sappy, 😪 thank you Jesus, it’s all coming together kind of days. Sometimes you just have to wait, and wait, and wait. Trust the process 🙏🏾❤️ Xoxo -Chels

*This was originally supposed to be a #lotn post, but there’s just too much to be thankful for not to share. God is good guys.

#PathMinded #TheCoffeyBreak



So, yesterday I had a mini-melty. Life is funny. About six months ago, I made a mental note that I had 6 months until my 29th birthday. I failed to continue to add an additional month as time progressed. So essentially, I’ve been walking around thinking to myself that I have 6 months until my 29th birthday. Right up until yesterday, when it actually hit me.

I don’t have six months. I’m right right inside of one month. And I’ve spent the last 24hrs. trying to figure out how I feel about that. On the one hand, it will be a blessing to see another year. On the other hand, 29 is a totally loaded year for me.

To say the least, I spent the earlier part of my twenties assuming that I would be married by 28, so my vision of the time period was built around my future family (even if that was just me and my husband) in a very abstract way. See the theme here?

So there’s this whole idea that people don’t plan to fail, it’s that they fail to plan, and I guess my retort for that is where does God fit into all that?

See in theory, yes, I could have had a plan. A freaking air tight, knock their socks off kind of plan, professionally, personally, spiritually and so on. But, there’s still the reality of God’s good and perfect plan. A plan that may not add up to the timeline you or I have preset. So I ask, how does it all work? lol

I’d love for this to be a post that was the reflection of some incredible breakthrough, but the truth is that I’m literally going along for God’s ride at this point, and if nothing else, I can honestly say that that has been the most beneficial change in mindset I’ve had up until now.

That’s not to say that I don’t still have a vision of what a happy life looks like or that I haven’t set goals for myself. It’s just that it’s exhausting trying to figure out the answers to questions that maybe aren’t meant to be answered yet.

Picture your season of whatever it is you’re waiting for as a college course. You go to class two times a week. You receive a lecture, projects, etc. from the professor and then midway or at the end of the semester you have exams.

The only thing that matters more than showing up for the exam, is the preparation that goes into, right? If you never read the syllabus, never went to class, never exchanged ideas with fellow classmates, showing up for the exam would almost be a waste of time –short of luck and favor, and trust me, I’ve been the beneficiary of both on many occasions haha

Nonetheless, that concept of the course is the root behind my overall outlook these days. The professor does not consult with the students about the syllabus prior to putting it together. They just do it, and if they decide to make a change to the curriculum there’s a high probability that once again the class will be informed of the change and expected to abide accordingly.

People always say be careful what you ask for, and I think it’s for good reason. What if you got that awesome opportunity, or met that once in a lifetime person prematurely? It creates a bit of a pipe dream, but there might be something to be said about trusting that everything is working together for the good of God’s timing, even if the reality of it may frecken’ suck.

That job, significant other, breakthrough, or whatever, may be the equivalent of the professor standing up in front of everyone the second week of class to announce that you all would be taking the final exam that day. (God forbid. GOD FAHBID! *northeastern mom accent haha)

Chelsea Coffey The Coffey Break Houston

Anyway, the trigger behind this was my melty, but this post has been brewing for quite sometime. I just wasn’t really ready to talk about it, openly haha The best is yet to come. If you can relate, I’m sending my love your way! Hang in there!

Peace, Love & Sunshine ~Chels

Say It Loud

Hey guys!

A few week’s ago we had the pleasure of hosting one of the most beautiful displays of love I’ve seen to this day, a bridal shower for my dear friend Raisa and her fiance, Chris. In the midst of everything going on, I looked up and realized we had a house full of fabulous naturalistas. Wearing one’s hair in it’s natural state, which by definition to me is simply not having a relaxer, is about more than just looks. It’s a reflection of embracing one’s natural design whether that be in the form of an afro, twistout, blowout, protective style, the list goes on. What matters most is that for a people who have been told that they’re not enough for the longest, expressions of self-love and acceptance are totally worth celebrating.

Whenever something gets under my skin, the following quote comes to mind, be the change you want to see in this world, and one day it hit me like a ton of bricks. Why should I continue to allow myself to be disappointed by the media for it’s lack of appreciation for the full scope of black beauty, culture, and narratives? –Think solution, not problem. I have a voice, and I have a platform. Do something about it.

Join me in celebrating these queens for their instrumental roles in leading the way for a generation that needs to be consistently encouraged and reminded that they are more than enough. Say it loud! Enjoy!

Peace, Love & Sunshine  ~Chels


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Brittany, Natural Hair www.TheCoffeyBreak.com
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Lois, Natural Hair www.TheCoffeyBreak.com
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Raisa, Natural Hair www.TheCoffeyBreak.com
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Jazmyn, Natural Hair www.TheCoffeyBreak.com
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Shameika, Natural Hair www.TheCoffeyBreak.com
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Natural Hair www.TheCoffeyBreak.com
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Natural Hair www.TheCoffeyBreak.com
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Hali, Natural Hair www.TheCoffeyBreak.com
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Monica, Natural Hair www.TheCoffeyBreak.com
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Brittany, Natural Hair www.TheCoffeyBreak.com
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Vanessa, Natural Hair www.TheCoffeyBreak.com
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Courtney, Natural Hair www.TheCoffeyBreak.com

The Coffey Break Guide to Fashion Week + Free Events

Hi guys!

Chelsea Coffey here. It’s a crazy awesome feeling to look back and see how much time has passed since my very first New York Fashion Week back in 2007. I know the experience can be a little intimidating, so I wanted to take the time to put together a guide to offer any pearls I’ve picked up along the way. Hopefully they will be of assistance to anyone in need of a little boost in confidence on how to approach things!

For starters, it’s important to understand the dynamic behind the production of events. This year the major New York Fashion Week venues will be at Skylight at Moynihan Station at 360 West 33rd Street and Skylight Clarkson Sq. at 550 Washington Street. For five years the major venue had been at Lincoln Center, and before that, Bryant Park. There are shows happening all around the city, and that leads me to my first point:

1. Be Intentional- 

You may not be on the list for any of the shows around the city, but there are plenty of free events to take part in. Refinery29 celebrated their 10th Birthday with their 29 Rooms event, and it was completely free to the public.

Refinery29 NYFW The Coffey BreakPhoto: Refinery29.com

Essence Magazine hosted a Street Style Block Party. It was chock full of vendors, fantastic looks, fashion show, the whole nine, all under the Brooklyn Bridge in Dumbo:

Essence Street Style The Coffey Break Chelsea CoffeyPhoto: TheCoffeyBreak.com

2. Be Present, Build Genuine Relationships-

During this time, you’ll most likely meet A LOT of people and it may be tempting to feel the urge to want to bounce from person to person in an effort to not miss out on meeting as many people as possible. My recommendation is simple, be present when you’re with someone and focus your energy on making a sincere connection with the people you genuinely like. Quality over quantity. Always.

3. Trust The Timing of Things-

Serendipity, one of my all-time favorite expressions: The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. In other words, trust that whatever is meant to be will be. Everything happens for a reason, embrace that. As far as I’m concerned, the law of attraction is real. Speak those things that you want to see happen into existence, and watch God work. It will take a lot of the pressure off of you to be in the “right place” place at the “right time”. If it’s meant to be, it will come to pass. Focus your energy on enjoying the ride.

Below, Aimee Son of Song of Style. I just loved her look, and stopped to get a picture. Little did I know she’d become one of my favorite style bloggers.


4. Be Ready-

As much as I love the idea of serendipity, one can’t discount preparedness. Take the time to research like CRAZY. If you’re going to take a free spirited approach to life, life my self haha, you can at least make a point to know of as many events, shows and so on as possible. A few years ago, I was at a natural hair event. We were about to leave, and I saw this guy across the room wearing a fabulous two-piece graffiti print outfit. Not only did he happen to be from Houston, but it turns out it was Beyonce’s stylist Ty Hunter! I can honestly say that he is the sweetest person, and he couldn’t have been any nicer. The same can be said of June Ambrose. Only I knew exactly who she was when I saw her, and she greeted me with such a warm reception. I was even fortunate enough to interview the both of them.

Ty Tyrone Fashion Week

In addition to being informed, it’s also smart to have general info cards made. Picture a business card, but personalized and tailored to whatever you would want people to know about you: your social media info, blog/website, contact info and so on. Be as direct as possible, so people know exactly who you are, what you do, and how to best connect.

5. Confidence Is Everything-

At the end of the day, people are people. Social media can make things a little tricky because in a few short years, we’ve gone from meeting people by chance to recognizing a large number of faces due to platforms like Instagram and YouTube. Nonetheless, perception isn’t always reality. Give yourself a pep talk, and push past any apprehensions about approaching someone you’d like to connect with. Be willing to walk up to someone, regardless of who they are, and introduce yourself. You’ll vibe with the ones who were meant to be, and if you’re anything like me, you won’t even remember the ones who weren’t 😉

June Ambrose Chelsea Coffey NYFW The Coffey Break With June Ambrose

Fashion Week in and of itself is just such a special time. Remember that comparison is the thief of joy. Own every inch of your being, and go forth with your head held high. There’s no substitute for a beautiful spirit and good energy. We attract what we put out. Hope this was helpful!

Happy Fashion Week!

Peace, Love and Sunshine ~Chelsea

Here’s a head start:













If you are who you say you are…


Late nights… Early mornings… And a heart full of anticipation that something beautiful on the horizon… It amazes me that life can look one way in the natural, and yet, I’m able to feel a quiet calm in my spirit that everything is coming together for the good. They say that the cells in your body react to everything your mind says, and that negativity brings down your immune system. So today, I’m going to intentionally push past any doubts, fears, negativity, offenses and be intentional about how I speak to myself. One of my all-time favorite quotes from Oprah’s Life You Want Tour is this– If you are who you say you are, then who are you saying you are? After all this time, I can, literally, still hear the raspy voice of the Soul Cylcle instructor yelling that to us. Buy-in is everything. Remember whose you are, and what you’re believing for. Have a great day you guys! Peace, Love & Sunshine ~ Chels