Let’s Talk

Change happens when the pain of holding on becomes greater than the fear of letting go.

There’s something to be said about that shift. Believe in the beauty of your dreams. The ones you can’t shake. The ones that keep you up at night. It’s no coincidence to feel something so strongly within you. Each and every one of us has a calling for our lives. It’s God’s gift to us.

Many of us spend our earliest years building our lives within the preset boundaries of family and school, and as a grad student, I had that same structure well into my 20’s.

Now that I’ve been out of school for a while, I’ve come to realize one very important thing, there’s no curriculum for being an adult. You may have a great job, be married, starting a family, chasing your dreams haha and still feel out of touch, lost, or worse, like you’re just living.

That’s where I come in. I’m developing a program and compiling a set of srvices (It’s going to be awesome!) for all the people /like me/ who know the potential for greatness is there, they just need a game plan, a community, and a curriculum for navigating this journey of adulthood.

Now, before we even get into any sentiments of entrepreneurial pursuits or any other major shifts just yet, I want to be very clear, my focus for this program is  strictly dedicated to personal development and building a strong foundation.

I genuinely believe that clarity of self provides the keys to the very doors we’re hoping to have revealed to us. I’ve spent the last 10 years of my life trying to fit into a space where I simply didn’t belong. It just hit me one day, of course I’ve only seen glimpses of the success I see for myself. I’ve been trying to fit my square peg self into all the cookie cutter holes that simply weren’t designed for me.

And that’s the beauty of self-exploration and taking the time to understand the value you bring to the table.

You may have the best business idea, be happy at your job, in your relationships, and so on, and still feel like somethings off.

Let’s dig a little?

*And before I roll out these questions ask yourself each question, twice. We have a tendency to endear towards an ideal of ourselves or simply be too hard on ourselves.


What is your perception of yourself? Are you confident about your strengths? Do you feel you communicate effectively with your friends and loved ones? Are you in tune with your weaknesses? Your triggers? What impressions are you making on other people? Are you social? Are you an introvert? Both? Do you feel as if there’s a disconnect between what you’re doing and what you wish you could be doing?
What if I told you that I guarantee that there are blind spots, and that those blind spots could possibly be causing you to operate beneath your full potential.

There’s no curriculum for being an adult, and that’s where I come in. As a futurist, I’m here to help. There is a field of Futures Studies (my grad degree) dedicated exclusively to Personal Futures (To be clear, this a multidisciplinary forecasting program, not fortune telling.) and Personal Futures was my concentration (major).

The process I’m putting together includes three parts: Exploration, Clarification, & Metrics for Success. Some of us excel quite naturally and do best going with the flow, while others (a free spirited individual such as myself for example haha) benefit from a predetermined framework to help us identify our vision and stay on track.

I’ve looked for a consultant like this for years, me I’ve finally come to the conclusion that this may simply be God’s calling for me. My very own niche, and that this is the only route that could have gotten me here to be a resource everyone out there who can relate.

Whatever the motivation, it’s essential to know that resources are there to better understand yourself, improve your relationships, and work smarter. You just have to tap into them.

Feel free to DM me to learn more about my consulting services or book an appointment 🙏🏾💞✨

Xoxo -Chels

let’s connect?

ig/twitter: @thecoffeybreak

The 5 Love Languages


Hey guys!

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of witnessing a really special exchange. Two of my closest friends happen to be a married couple, and the topic of love languages came up. They proceeded to have a really interesting dialogue going back and forth about their love languages, and more importantly how it plays a role in their relationship. As a single person, it was really fascinating, and one heck of a reminder of how incredibly important communication is. They’ve been together forever, and they still took the time to thoughtfully discuss their sentiments on expressing themselves through their love language and receiving it -even though they’ve known their love languages for quite some time.

Speaking of time, here’s the irony. I was sitting at home one night with one of my roommates and closest friends, and the topic of love languages came up. She didn’t know hers, so I suggested she take the quiz. To my surprise, her love language was words of affirmation. I couldn’t believe it. I had incorrectly assumed all this time that it would have been quality of time; which means I had haphazardly been neglecting a part of her makeup I didn’t even know to be sensitive to. Now get this, I was telling my parents the story and at that moment it occurred to me that I didn’t know theirs either! They both had the same as my roomate, words of affirmation. It was mind blowing.

See the thing about love languages is that whatever love language(s) we have, ties directly into what makes us feel most loved. I know that may sound redundant, but it really is that simple. So whether it’s a family member, co-worker, partner or friend I make it a priority to know their love language (*birthday sign, communication style, motivation style, DISC profile… hahaha jk but seriously) because not being in tune with someone can potentially create unnecessary challenges when we’re operating relationships without a true understanding of how to thoughtfully connect with the people around us.

Below you’ll find the link to The 5 Love Language Quiz. And just FYI, I’m a quality of time, acts of service hybrid. So if we’re kickin it, you better be ready to roll your sleeves up haha Hence Mia’s Closet, and my awesome friends and family who have so graciously supported the vision every step of the way.


Find out your love language and share this post with your friends and family. It’ll knock you off your feet to learn this about yourself and those around you. Enjoy!

Peace, Love & Sunshine ~Chels


Let’s connect!

Instagram & Twitter: @thecoffeybreak

About Me: I’m a writer, content creator, futurist and founder of the nonprofit, Mia’s Closet. I love God, and honestly believe that everybody’s just doing the best they can with what they’ve got. Trust the process. The best is yet to come!

Oh! And I have an online store! Haha check us out here: www. TheCoffeyShop.co





Look of the Day 9.19.2013

Friday September 20, 2013


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Sweet sweet summertime. September is my favorite month for a number of reasons, but the thing I love most about this month is the crossover between summer and fall. I’ll be sad to see summer go, but I’m really looking forward to having fun with all the layered looks fall has to offer.

This is going to be a busy weekend for us. We will be hosting our very first Sunday Dinner for TheCoffeyBreak.com benefitting Mia’s Closet. Be sure to check back next week for highlights from the evening!

Have a great weekend!

Peace, Love & Sunshine -Chelsea


heavenAs I sit here typing, I think about how my throat was closed so tightly earlier I could barely speak. There’s this terribly familiar sensation that passes over me when I receive bad news. The response always seems to rollout in the same order: shock, a sudden urge to clean and get organized, followed by the blow of the reality of the situation, in which case, my head drops low and the tears begin to flow –so slowly that I can see and hear them falling one by one. Then, I write.

God blesses us with people who are simply in our lives to serve a purpose for a time or a season, and then there are people whom you nonchalantly assume will be around forever. They have become part of the family. You envision them at weddings, visits during the holidays, etc. The thought that they would ever be removed from this world prior to old age is simply dismissed in an effort to ward off any negative energy liable to attach itself to such a thought.

Our family has dealt with an unprecedented amount of loss in the last two and half years. Before that, there was a stretch of time that carried on so well, I remember thinking, be grateful for this time. Everyone has to deal with loss. As painful as it is to lose grandparents, there is something so heartbreaking about the loss of a loved one who is young and seemingly has their whole life ahead of them. What’s even more devastating is the reality that just hours ago I was having a casual conversation with that person, jokingly locking them into volunteering at an upcoming Mia’s Closet event. It never could have occurred to me that in less than 24 hours that person would be gone.

I say all this because there are so many people whom we engage with everyday: family members, Despairfriends, co-workers, the kid next door -all needing someone to confide in. They may even be carrying an unimaginable weight. Burdened by life’s circumstances, poor decisions or just and overall sense that they have reached a point where they feel unloved and unimportant.

My prayer this day is that God will reveal those suffering to me. That at whatever point when they are in most need of smile, a call, a visit, a hug; I will know to be there. I always use the term vibing. It’s that feeling of having an instinct to reach out to those close to you. To feel their energy, whether good or bad and sense that they are in need of a true friend in that moment.

Life is hectic. We are busy. People are wrapped up in their social lives, ambition, relationships –you name it. All I know is that there are situations I will never understand. Stories that will bear such gravity that for a split second I’ll hurt all over again. And then, I’ll remind myself of this: The past is the past and we are set forth to be a blessing to others. Use these moments as a subtle push to always progress forward and love those around around.

I don’t know what your circumstances may be, but if nothing else, my hope ist that I’ve reached your heart. Let this inspire you to call a loved one. Tell them them how much they mean to you. Finally set a date in stone to get together. Cherish life . Choose to be positive.

Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone. Life is the sweetest gift the Lord could have ever given us. It requires a conscious decision to make it count for something.

For anyone who may be going through an unexpected loss of a loved one, visit here and here for words of encouragement.

Peace & Love -Chelsea

Never give up, never give in

My mom has always been the most wonderful example of how to walk with God. In light of the tough year that we’ve been through, she shared a devotional that she recently sent to the boys with me. I know how much I needed to hear this, and I am so grateful that she is willing to share it with our readers. Enjoy. -Chelsea
    The past few months, for lack of a better word, have been “challenging”.  We have been tried and tested. We have suffered personal loss and roadblock after roadblock has been thrown in our paths.  We have been disappointed, heartbroken and frustrated.  We may have even questioned where was God during all of this?
Our ways are not God’s ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.  The plans and pathways that we select for our lives may not be the ones that He chooses, but does that make Him any less God?  Isn’t the God we serve today the same God that parted the Red Sea and the River Jordan?  Isn’t He the same God that can turn water into wine, cause the blind to see, cause the deaf to hear and raise the dead?  So what makes us think that He can’t or won’t turn our situation, circumstances, conditions around?
Remember the story of Joseph?  Joseph was his father’s favorite.  So much so that his father had a special coat made just for him.  He was probably spoiled rotten and a little full of himself; I mean why else would he brag to everyone about those dreams that he dreamed?  If God would have given Him  “the promise” while he was still immature and self-absorbed, who knows how his story would have turned out?  Sometimes God has to take us through some things to work some things out of us.  He had to “break” Joseph and teach him patience and humility.  Someone who was sold into slavery, thrown into prison, lied on and forgotten, ended up being the most powerful person in the land.  What his brothers did to him was horrible and unforgivable, but what they meant for evil, God turned it around for good. (Genesis 50: 19-20)  Joseph had been so broken and humbled by his experiences that instead of having his brothers killed or thrown into prison when they came to him for help (of course they didn’t recognize him) he cried so loudly and deeply that he could be heard throughout the grounds.
Remember our circumstances don’t determine our outcomes.  We walk by faith, not by sight.  God has a plan and an outcome for all of our lives.  No one and nothing can change or stop what He has planned for us.  No matter how bleak things appear,  No matter how many hurdles we have to jump over, crosses we have to bear, hoops we have to jump through, walls we have to tear down, God is still on the throne and still in control.  He is fully aware of every tear, every obstacle, every pain and He will never leave us or forsake us.  He is actually closest to us when we’re heartbroken; just like a loving parent would be closest to a child during a crisis.  We have to grow, change, mature, learn patience and humility in order to be “soldiers” for Him.  How I live for the day when we are all “fearless”.  The day when we are not anxious about ANYTHING!  The day when we are so confident and comfortable in the peace and joy of the Lord that nothing can shake us.  One of the most encouraging scriptures to lean on when going through one of life’s many storms is:  “AND WE KNOW THAT ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THOSE WHO LOVE GOD, TO THOSE WHO ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE”.  All things means good stuff and painful stuff. The things that break our hearts and the things that bring us to our knees are working together with all our other stuff for good.
We must press on to the prize.  Never give up, never give in.  Speak (out loud) blessings into the atmosphere over our lives.  Praise through tears.  Ask God to cover any specific needs you have.  Remember you have not because you ask not.  Do not allow the enemy to do anything to cause you to miss your blessing. He wil try ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to throw you off track.  He will get into your head and try to convince you that you are wasting your time working so hard–nothing good will come out it.  He will surround you with negative people who will try to destroy your hopes and dreams and kill your visions.  He will make you sick or injure you and have you question your future.  Stand on, lean on, hold on to the promises of God.  Re-read some of the previous devotionals that I sent you.  The more time you spend with the Lord (praying) and the more time you spend in His Word (reading), the more intimate your relationship  will become and the more you will trust and depend on Him.  Remember, God is pursuing a plan for our lives that is far beyond our limited ability to comprehend.
Trust Him and rest in Him today and everyday.   I love you so very, very much.    Mom