100 Days of Happiness on The Coffey Break

I’m a big believer that you have to be intentional about getting out of a funk, and I’d like to think it starts with parameters. Romans 12:2 encourages us: Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will…
100 happy days photoWell, two of my best friends are about to leave the state & country for grad school, combined with a significant handful of life shits that seem to have set up camp in my once easy breezy beautiful carefree world. And in case you’re wondering, they were not invited. Things just happen (or don’t happen), and I’m finally starting to be okay with that. What draws me to the #100HappyDays challenge is that it is such a special opportunity to confront this crazy season by choosing to seek joy (in its fullness) and acknowledge the importance of consciously capturing life’s beautiful moments, big & small. Care to join? Visit http://100happydays.com/
Btw, a few months ago Pastor Jeremy Foster posted an awesome podcast called: HAPPY – When you don’t feel happy , and I still reflect on how the timing of that podcast couldn’t have been better. He said something that I still think is so powerful: We think God’s gonna do it one way… It’s hard to be thankful when I don’t know what’s going on. But this is the part that really struck me, God doesn’t have to live up to your exception but He always lives up to His word. He’s an on time God, and that’s good enough for me. Speaking of which! Tuesday is the vision party for his new church here in Houston, Hope City. I haven’t been this excited about something in a long time! Like praise lap, screaming the time has finally come at the top of my lungs happy haha

Hope City

In case you’re wondering, Pastor Jeremy is the founder of The 429, a church I attended (and actually joined!! for the last few years. I love the Lord, praise and worship, bible study, but I was fully convinced church just wasn’t really the thing for me, so to find a place that I liked enough to join and actively serve was and still is the coolest thing for me. I’m so looking forward to supporting him, and Ms. Jennifer as they embark on this new chapter. It’s going to be such a blessing to this city.  If you’re in the Houston area feel feel to join us Tuesday night at 7:30 at Minute Maid Park. You can register for the event here: Your Hope City. The best is yet to come!
Peace, Love & Sunshine -Chels


Coffey Break Chat: How to Quiet the Lizard Brain

Hey there!

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with my good friend and marketer, Ahrif Sarumi, to discuss the concept of the Lizard Brain, and more importantly, how to quiet it! So many of us have goals and dreams that we can’t go a day without thinking about, but we’re just too scared to pursue them. That feeling is no mistake! There is a part of our brain called the amygdala, and it’s job is to provide us with our most primal instincts: fear, hunger and arousal. It drives us to fend off predators and protect ourselves from harm. In theory, it’s a blessing, but the key is learning how to push past it, so that we can take risks and achieve all that God has in store for us!

In our interview, I share my personal struggle with getting past my lizard brain, and why The Coffey Break Chat is such a big part of this process. Take a look below for Ahrif’s three tips on how to overcome being your biggest obstacle! Enjoy!

Peace, Love & Sunshine -Chelsea

For more information check out this awesome article on affordanything.com that gives an in depth overview of the Lizard Brain: Why Your Lizard Brain Terrifies You

Is there a dream you’re struggling to achieve?  Do you have a personal testimony of how you’ve overcome you personal lizard brain moments? We want to hear from you! Feel free to share in the comments below 🙂

You can check out Ahrif’s Kick Starter Campaign for The Knoble here: http://kck.st/1949Xys