Let’s Talk

Change happens when the pain of holding on becomes greater than the fear of letting go.

There’s something to be said about that shift. Believe in the beauty of your dreams. The ones you can’t shake. The ones that keep you up at night. It’s no coincidence to feel something so strongly within you. Each and every one of us has a calling for our lives. It’s God’s gift to us.

Many of us spend our earliest years building our lives within the preset boundaries of family and school, and as a grad student, I had that same structure well into my 20’s.

Now that I’ve been out of school for a while, I’ve come to realize one very important thing, there’s no curriculum for being an adult. You may have a great job, be married, starting a family, chasing your dreams haha and still feel out of touch, lost, or worse, like you’re just living.

That’s where I come in. I’m developing a program and compiling a set of srvices (It’s going to be awesome!) for all the people /like me/ who know the potential for greatness is there, they just need a game plan, a community, and a curriculum for navigating this journey of adulthood.

Now, before we even get into any sentiments of entrepreneurial pursuits or any other major shifts just yet, I want to be very clear, my focus for this program is  strictly dedicated to personal development and building a strong foundation.

I genuinely believe that clarity of self provides the keys to the very doors we’re hoping to have revealed to us. I’ve spent the last 10 years of my life trying to fit into a space where I simply didn’t belong. It just hit me one day, of course I’ve only seen glimpses of the success I see for myself. I’ve been trying to fit my square peg self into all the cookie cutter holes that simply weren’t designed for me.

And that’s the beauty of self-exploration and taking the time to understand the value you bring to the table.

You may have the best business idea, be happy at your job, in your relationships, and so on, and still feel like somethings off.

Let’s dig a little?

*And before I roll out these questions ask yourself each question, twice. We have a tendency to endear towards an ideal of ourselves or simply be too hard on ourselves.


What is your perception of yourself? Are you confident about your strengths? Do you feel you communicate effectively with your friends and loved ones? Are you in tune with your weaknesses? Your triggers? What impressions are you making on other people? Are you social? Are you an introvert? Both? Do you feel as if there’s a disconnect between what you’re doing and what you wish you could be doing?
What if I told you that I guarantee that there are blind spots, and that those blind spots could possibly be causing you to operate beneath your full potential.

There’s no curriculum for being an adult, and that’s where I come in. As a futurist, I’m here to help. There is a field of Futures Studies (my grad degree) dedicated exclusively to Personal Futures (To be clear, this a multidisciplinary forecasting program, not fortune telling.) and Personal Futures was my concentration (major).

The process I’m putting together includes three parts: Exploration, Clarification, & Metrics for Success. Some of us excel quite naturally and do best going with the flow, while others (a free spirited individual such as myself for example haha) benefit from a predetermined framework to help us identify our vision and stay on track.

I’ve looked for a consultant like this for years, me I’ve finally come to the conclusion that this may simply be God’s calling for me. My very own niche, and that this is the only route that could have gotten me here to be a resource everyone out there who can relate.

Whatever the motivation, it’s essential to know that resources are there to better understand yourself, improve your relationships, and work smarter. You just have to tap into them.

Feel free to DM me to learn more about my consulting services or book an appointment 🙏🏾💞✨

Xoxo -Chels

let’s connect?

ig/twitter: @thecoffeybreak