Must Read: 25 clever ideas to make life easier

Hey there!

Every now and then I come across something that is just so brilliantly amazing I want everyone, and their mom to know. The following article is the source behind one of those moments for me. As creative as I think I am when it comes to simplifying things, I wonder if even my best ideas can’t touch some of these suggestions. Check out The Daily Buzz for 25 clever ideas to make life easier. It is definitely worth the read.

Here’s my two cents on tricks that have made my life a lot easier:

On the go!


Ladies, always keep a bottle of clear nail polish on you. It’s like an emergency lifesaver for a manicure slip up while you’re on the run. Two strokes of clear polish and everything’s back to normal.











Keep a pair of sneakers in the car. There are a million reasons why they might come in handy –trust me.












I know, I know the concept is still a little less than ideal, but the reality is that you can’t always make it to the sink to brush your teeth. These little jokers are surprisingly powerful. If your life can be pretty hectic and your always on the go keep them around in case you find yourself in a bind.


Around the House











It may not be on your mind those first couple of months after you buy a new pair of shoes, but eventually, they are going to begin to lose shape. Slow down the inevitable by creating newspaper inserts for your dear ones so they can hold form a longer.










Every single article of jewelry I own is stored in a plastic baggie. This is especially convenient if you have A LOT of jewelry! Simplify things with this easy task to save you time when you’re getting ready.








If you have any variation of the hanger above, (I call them “the dry cleaners hangers”) throw them out! For me personally, one of the most enjoyable qualities of fashion is being able to build my wardrobe. Wire hangers hinder you’re growing masterpiece by ruining the garments you’ve so carefully chosen.








I’m probably the only person who actually feels better about seeing this, but I don’t smoke so these are my cigarettes haha Life can be a stressful at times, and the best way to make life easier is managing stress efficiently. It’s really worth the investment of your time to try to find a vice that will relax you –one that won’t cause lung cancer. The thought of that alone should be stressful enough…










Keep a little money stash somewhere around the house. Anyone who has ever been towed knows that dreaded feeling of having to withdraw however many hundred dollars when your tuition, the carnote, rent or whatever other large expense is due the next day. It’ always good to have a back up plan, and don’t touch it unless it an emergency!

Have a great day!
