REST: Daily Devotional 3.22.16

Chelsea Coffey Daily Devotional Streams in the Des

Fret not/Fear not/Faint not: Brenda Coffey always seems to know what to send and when. (The irony 😏)


My current checklist:
-Rest in the peace of knowing He’s always right on time.
-Take a dive with Him at the helm day by day.
-Remind myself of the vision daily to filter opportunities from distractions.
-Set clear cut metrics for success.
*My motivation style is accomplishment.

In my experience, and to my dismay at times haha, God has always rerouted me whenever I’ve gotten off course. Trust the path, and put in work. Hope this is encouraging for someone. I know I needed it. Happy Tuesday guys! 🙏🏾❤️🌞 ~Chels

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