Tips to Revamp Your Jewelry Collection

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Whether you’re a jewelry junkie on a budget, like myself, or a sentimental buyer…like myself haha, there’s no denying that there’s a little thrill that comes along with arriving at a register with an armful of jewelry marked jaw droppingly low. Once I get over the high of purchasing piece after piece at crazy low price points, I’m faced with acknowledging a simple truth; most cheap jewelry like the majority of the trendy pieces I find at my favorite stores, are good for maybe 3 runs — at best, before the paint begins to wear off. The disappointment of watching it reach the end of it’s rope is almost as bad as the initial feeling was good. So, I’ve put together this post to share some of the tips I use to increase your piece’s shelf-life and even revive our delicate little loves.


Clear nail polish is a girl’s best friend when it comes to inexpensive jewelry. Following a purchase, I use it coat the posts of earrings and reinforce the inner liner or my rings.IMG_8138When I notice a bit of wear on a piece, I use gold and silver pens like the ones above to touch up spots where copper might be coming through paint and follow up with a light coat of clear polish to seal the paint.


In some cases, it’s nearly impossible for one to catch these easy improvements! It’s just a great way to ease the pain of that haunting edge or corner of copper peaking through. Stay tuned for more tips on how I make the most out of my wardrobe.

Peace, Love & Sunshine -Chelsea