Look of the Day 9.17.2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


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I’m not ashamed to say this, sentimental is pretty much an understatement to describe me. This look holds a special place in my heart because it is a compilation of pieces from my mom’s side of the family. I snatched the necklace from her in maybe 8th grade (over 10 years ago?!), and she’s let me hang onto it all this time. The skirt and chain link bracelet are both pieces that I discovered from my granny’s wardrobe. She passed a few years ago, and once things settled down after the funeral, I took a trip tip Victoria, Texas with my mom and aunt to help pack up her house. I could not believe how AMAZING her pieces were!! Short of it being one of the most difficult times for our family, it was like this beautiful glimpse into the life of this woman I now felt I knew little about. She had hats, amazing full skirts, jewelry for days, hanging bag after hanging bag of pieces with tags still on them, the list goes on… All neatly packed away in armoires I never would have thought to open. The irony in all of this is that in the last few years we had with her I remember seeing her in 1 of maybe 4 or 5 outfits. I love that my lasting memory of her is a faithful woman with impeccable style and taste. Hopefully I’ll be able to leave the same lasting impression for my family one day.

Peace, Love & Sunshine -Chelsea